启用Windows 审核模式(Audit Mode),以 Administrator 账户来设置电脑的开箱体验 在你刚刚安装完Windows,在 Windows 开箱体验输入以创建你的用户账户之前,你可以按下 Ctrl + Shift + F3 来进入审核模式。 本文将介绍审核模式。 OOBE OOBE,Out-of-Box Experience,开箱体验。对于 Windows 系统来说,就是当你买下电脑回...
从现有映像自动启动至审核模式 创建一个新的应答文件,然后添加 [Microsoft-Windows-Deployment | Reseal | Mode = audit]](/windows-hardware/customize/desktop/unattend/microsoft-windows-deployment-reseal-mode) 设置。 将该应答文件保存为 Unattend.xml。 在权限提升的命令提示符下装载 Windows 映像。 例如: Window...
Audit mode enables OEMs and corporations to customize a Windows installation before shipping the computer to an end-user. In audit mode, you can install applications, add device drivers, run scripts, and test the validity of a Windows installation. Audit mode is a networked-enabled environment ...
Enter Audit mode on an image that's configured to boot to OOBE If you've configured your Windows image to boot to OOBE, but then need to make further configurations to your image in audit mode, you can do one of the following:
At the beginning of OOBE, you attempt to use the Windows on screen keyboard to press CTRL+SHIFT+F3, which should reboot Windows back into Sysprep audit mode. In this scenario, nothing happens when you try to use the keyboard shortcut to reboot Windows back into audit mode. RESOLUTION To ...
1) Press and hold, shift, ctrl, f3 at the langrage screen to enter Audit mode 2) at the desktop ignore the program in the middle of the screen and at all times leave it open, do not close it, do not reboot the computer, and if at any point you need to, use the program to ...
https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3020-windows-10-image-customize-audit-mode-sysprep.html S.Sengupta, Windows Insider MVP Friday, March 3, 2017 6:38 AM |1 vote Hi, The problem is that you cannot actually use Windows Update in Audit mode since WU is now locked out when the OS has ...
Boot to audit mode manually (on a new or existing installation) Boot to OOBE automatically on a new installation Modify an existing image that is configured to boot to OOBE Show 5 more Applies To: Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2...
Discusses that a local administrator account is disabled when you turn off a computer by using the Start menu in Audit mode.
Click Start, type C:\Windows\System32\sysprep\sysprep.exe in the Search box, and then press ENTER to start Sysprep, shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. The System Preparation Tool In the System Cleanup Action list, select Enter System Audit Mode. Select the Generalize check box. In the Shut...