If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]Windows Phone Emulator is a desktop application that emulates a Windows Phone device. It provides a virtualized environment in which you can debug and test Windows Phone apps without a physical device. It also provides an ...
For info about how to install the Windows Phone SDK, see Get the SDK. Windows Phone SDK 8.0 installs both the Windows Phone 8 Emulator and the Windows Phone 7.1 Emulator. Uninstalling When you uninstall Windows Phone SDK 8.0, the Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter that was created for the ...
How to adjust the zoom setting in the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to lock the screen in the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to use the computer keyboard with the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to connect to a local web service from the Windows Phone 8 Emulator ...
For info about how to install the Windows Phone SDK, see Get the SDK. Windows Phone SDK 8.0 installs both the Windows Phone 8 Emulator and the Windows Phone 7.1 Emulator. Uninstalling When you uninstall Windows Phone SDK 8.0, the Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter that was created for the ...
System requirements for the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to enable Hyper-V for the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to change the orientation in the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to adjust the zoom setting in the emulator for Windows Phone 8 ...
System requirements for the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to enable Hyper-V for the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to change the orientation in the emulator for Windows Phone 8 How to adjust the zoom setting in the emulator for Windows Phone 8 ...
在安装EVC4.0和SP4的时候都提示“virtual PC/Windows CE Emulator会造成windows不稳定,windows使这些驱动程序无法加载”,上到微软的网站一看原因是:当hardware-based DEP (基于硬件的数据执行保护)启用时,Windows XP SP2 的
Microsoft Emulator is a desktop application that emulates a Windows 10 Mobile device when used in conjunction with Visual Studio 2015. It provides a virtualized environment in which you can debug and test universal windows apps without a physical device.
Simulate real-world interaction with a device and test the features of your app by using the tools included with Microsoft Emulator for Windows 10 Mobile. The emulator is a desktop application that emulates a mobile device running Windows 10. It provides a virtualized environment in which you ca...
首先,打开链接:https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N0TN65P5BF6 会打开Microsoft Store,安装Microsoft Emulator 然后,下载镜像与模拟器—— 打开链接:https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/0/7/F0738768-AE4F-473F-B37E-6DB641D97588/emulator/EmulatorSetup.exe 打开程序安装 打开Microsoft Emulat...