The second thing to mention is that Wine is an acronym for "Wine is not an emulator". So why include it here? Because it does the same thing as an emulator: allows you to run Windows apps on your Mac. However, it doesn’t run Windows itself, so you don’t need a Windows license...
The second thing to mention is that Wine is an acronym for "Wine is not an emulator". So why include it here? Because it does the same thing as an emulator: allows you to run Windows apps on your Mac. However, it doesn’t run Windows itself, so you don’t need a Windows license...
在Windows 中我通过 Hyper 终端环境进行实战。 Hyper 是一个基于 Election 的终端 Terminal Emulator,是一个插件丰富的、跨平台的终端。我写过一个有关它的详细介绍 HOW TO | 让自己的终端漂亮得不像实力派。在 Windows 下,可以通过 Hyper 调用 WSL 中的bash.exe,这样就不用面对万恶的小黑框了。 我当前的开发...
从Geekbench5原生Arm64测试,和CinebenchR23的x64模拟测试结果来看,M1版MacbookAir在性能上,日常作为一台WindowsonArm电脑,似乎也挺不错,即便性能折损严重,但还是比Arm阵营的对手彪悍。当然在绝对性能上,和原生x86/x64支持的Intel版PC(MatebookXPro2021)跑Windows11就不在一个水平线上了。WoA生态的缓慢进展 ...
我,18款MacBook Pro 15寸,6核心16G内存,18基本和19款差不多,就是变成了16寸。我主要从事大数据...
Wine 的命名来源于一个有趣的递归缩写(Wine Is Not an Emulator),它是一个可以在 Linux 和 macOS 等系统上运行 Windows 软件的兼容层。区别于虚拟机或模拟器,Wine 是将 Windows 接口的调用转换为运行系统中的调用来实现对 Windows 软件的兼容的。▲ 使用 Wine 在 macOS 上运行 IE 8. 图片来自:How-To ...
So, it’s possible to run iOS apps completely natively if you’re rocking the late 2020MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, or Mac Mini. Of course, it doesn’t make sense to shell out at least $999 for a Mac to use iOS apps, but if you already have these new computers, you can do it....
首先,从Apple Silicon M1芯片开始,就不要再想着物理机安装Windows系统了。就算是Mac Pro,如今也做不...
Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 On Macbook Pro - Bootcamp Driver Won't Work May 20, 2009 I have a Macbook Pro 15" , C2D 2.33ghz. I have the 7100 version of Windows 7 and everything worked perfectly except for the sound. No matter which bootcamp driver I try or even Realtek's own ...
从macOS 迁移到 Windows 的过程中,必然有体验上的差别,下面这些在 Apple 生态系统中使用 Mac 的体验让我尤其怀念: 桌面美学:macOS 具有设计感的桌面和 Dock macOS 系统原生工具的体验: 空格键「预览(Quicklook)」 「Handoff」、「Airdrop」等与其他苹果设备的无缝联动 ...