PsQREdit 浏览器装了“QR 码生成与识别”插件。edge chrome 都有,除了扫网页上的也支持扫 url 的,本地图片的,摄像头的,然后这个问题就转化成截图然后打开文件扫描了
Method1. Create a QR Code in the Browser Using the Right-Click Menu Whether you use Chrome browser or Microsoft Edge, you can create a QR code for your web page through the right-click menu, the specific steps are as follows. Step1. Open the page you want to create First, you need ...
The latest update for Edge Dev finally fixes a long-standing issue with Guest Mode byFlavius Floare March 6, 2025 Microsoft helps you stop those disruptive Windows updates byClaudiu Andone March 6, 2025 Chrome Scraps Plans to Ship Auto Dark Mode for Pages, Flag will remain ‘Indefinitely’ ...
1、浏览器:Chrome / Edge 必装软件首先肯定是浏览器,现在基本就是 Chrome 和 Edge 二选一了。 Chrome 目前依然是全球第一流行,扩展插件完善,唯一的缺点就是同步不方便。 Edge 在国内同步比较方便,扩展也和 Chrome 可以互通,也比较推荐。现在慢慢小功能加的越来越多,方便的同时也略显“繁琐”了。 按自己使用喜...
You can now create quick response (QR) codes for webpage URLs and cloud files from the Windows share window. Select the share button in the Microsoft Edge toolbar and choose “Windows share options.” REMINDERThe June 2024 security update is the last security release forEnterprise,Education, ...
f586 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdge f587 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored f588 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdge f589 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored f58a PPSOneLandscape f58b PPSTwoLandscape f58c PPSTwoPortrait f58d PPSFourLandscape f58e PPSFourPortrait f58f HolePunchOff f590 HolePunchPor...
-Additionally, Windows 365’s new watermark support helps protect your visual assets from people taking photos of screens or using display capture cards or screen recording software with a QR code that points back to the source Cloud PC. For device administrators, Windows 365 management is integrat...
–Added MEDGE-250216(QMEDGE1330306569): Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.69 –Added MSRDC-250218(QMSRDC126014): Microsoft Remote Desktop client 1.2.6014 –Added PDN-250218(QPDN514): 5.1.4 –Added SMWI-250218(QSLACK442120): Slack Machine-Wide Installer 4.42.120 ...
F581 DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored F582 DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdge F583 DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored F584 DuplexPortraitOneSided F585 DuplexPortraitOneSidedMirrored F586 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdge F587 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored F588 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdge F589...
f583 DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored f584 DuplexPortraitOneSided f585 DuplexPortraitOneSidedMirrored f586 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdge f587 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored f588 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdge f589 DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored f58a PPSOneLandscape f58b PPSTwoLandscape...