用Windows Application Driver自动测试.exe应用 kiwi888 写作、绘画、计算机、音乐 1 人赞同了该文章 本文方法在Windows11 64bit平台验证,用windows application driver编写python代码,自动测试exe应用界面里的按钮button,滑条slider,文本框数字textbox,子页面page等。exe应用界面可以用WPF等工具编写。
在Driver.c 中,首先包括以下头文件: C++ #include<ntddk.h>#include<wdf.h> 提示 如果无法添加Ntddk.h,请打开“配置”->“C/C++”->“常规”->“其他包含目录”并添加C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\<build#>\km,将<build#>替换为 WDK 安装中的相应目录。
uap5:DriverDependency 包含UWP 應用程式的驅動程式條件約束資訊。 如果使用 DriverDependency,則必須有指定的驅動程式,應用程式才能載入。 uap5:ExecutionAlias 要從命令提示字元啟動之 UWP 應用程式的可執行檔。 uap5:Extension 宣告應用程式的擴充點。 uap5:FileType 指定媒體來源支援的檔案類型。 ...
例如,查看以下文件夹:C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\x64\devcon.exe。在生成的驱动程序包的目标上创建文件夹,例如,C:\EchoDriver。将 devcon.exe 复制到目标系统。 在主机系统上找到 .cer 证书。 它位于包含生成的驱动程序文件的文件夹中的主机计算机上的同一文件夹中。 复制前面在主计算机...
Dism /Image:C:\Winpe_amd64\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\drivers /recurse 其中C:\drivers 是要添加的驱动程序文件夹。将电源方案设置为高性能将WinPE 设置为使用高性能模式可以加快部署速度。 示例脚本在运行时会将 WinPE 设置为高性能模式,但如果你想要确保 WinPE 始终以高性能模式运行,可以修改WinPE 映像中...
RunWinAppDriver.exefrom the installation directory (E.g.C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Application Driver) Windows Application Driver will then be running on the test machine listening to requests on the default IP address and port ( You can then run any of ourTestsorSamples...
This lab provides hands-on exercises that demonstrate how to debug the Sysvad audio kernel-mode device driver.Microsoft Windows Debugger (WinDbg) is a powerful Windows-based debugging tool that you can use to perform user-mode and kernel-mode debugging. WinDbg provides source-level debugging for ...
Resolving driver conflicts that simpler solutions haven’t addressed Understanding What a Factory Reset Does A factory reset, also known as a system reset or PC reset, fundamentally changes your system in the following ways: Changes Made During Reset ...
3.选择添加排除项,然后从\ Program Files(x86)\ Steam \ steamapps \ common中选择warthunder文件夹,并排除。如果遇到“ Easy Anti Cheat-30007错误”,则很有可能在系统中禁用了Driver Signature Enforcement(DSE)服务,但是,此服务对于Easy Anti-Cheat系统而言是必需的。 DSE是Windows 64位版本的安全机制(强制检查...
If your device belongs to a USB device class for which Windows includes an inbox driver, you don't need to write a driver. If your device does not have a Microsoft-provided class driver, and the device is accessed by a single application, then load WinUSB as the function driver. ...