The Users folder in C drive contains a home folder and a Public folder. The home folder has the same name as yourusernameand generally contains Downloads, Documents, Desktop, Pictures, Music, etc. The Public folder can be used to share files with other people who use the same computer or...
無法將 Documents 資料夾重新導向至主目錄 變更CSC 資料夾的位置 目前的 Hotfix 已啟用資料夾重新導向 具有大型「資料夾重新導向」原則配置檔時發生錯誤 資料夾重新導向無法正確運作 重新導向至對應驅動器號時,資料夾重新導向失敗 如何重新初始化離線檔案快取和資料庫 ...
右键单击 KnownFolderSettings,指向“新建”,单击“DWORD 值”,然后键入 CachetimeoutFailure。 右键单击 CachetimeoutFailure,然后单击“修改”。 在“值数据”字段中,键入介于 0 到 720000 毫秒的值。 备注 CachetimeoutFailure 注册表值控制生成缓存时未成功填充的缓存条目的超时。 建议将此值设置为 60000 毫秒。
源:Microsoft-Windows-Folder 重定向 日期: <日期和时间> 事件ID:502 任务类别:无 级别: 错误 关键字: 用户: <用户名> 计算机: <计算机名称> 说明: 未能将策略和重定向文件夹“Documents”应用到“<网络共享>”。 重定向选项=0x1219。 出现以下错误:“无法将文件从”C:\Users\<UserName>\...
And then ‘Documents’. Here you are going to find all your missing files. Further, you can also try the other way for which steps are given below: Go to ‘This PC’. Then double tap on ‘Local Disk C‘. Then click on the ‘Users’ folder. ...
The Pictures folder missing in Windows 11 is not an unusual problem. Many users have found that their Pictures folder disappeared, and here is an example from Microsoft: Trying to relocate the Pictures folder to my D: drive, I accidentally used the backslash as the first character and now th...
To find your files in your user account’s folder: OpenWindows File Explorerand navigate to C:\Users to find your account’s alias subfolder. Look for your missing files in theDocumentsandPublicsubfolders. Copy or move the lost files to any folder for easier access if you find them. ...
Describes a behavior that occurs after you redirect the Documents folder of a Windows Vista-based or Windows 7-based computer to a network share. Describes how to work around this behavior.
執行此動作之後,Documents 資料夾的名稱應該會變更為用戶名稱。 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo 提供產品意見反應 其他資源 訓練 模組 Configure and manage shared folders - Training This module examines various methods of sharing folders, along with the effect this has on file and ...
In other words, you’re telling the Mac to open the Users folder in your main hard drive window, your Home folder inside that, and then the Documents folder inside that. Each slash means “and then open.” (You can leave off the name of your hard drive; that’s implied by the openi...