可能会遇到 Read-only file system问题 Linux有时候会遇到无法写文件、新建保存文件的情况,提示Readonly file system,我们可以在终端输入如下命令即可解决: mount -o remount rw / 可能会报如下错误: docker 中使用mount命令报错:mount: permission denied 解决方法:在docker run启动容器时加上--privileged docker run...
Dockerfile 复制 FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019 ... 使用Docker Swarm 对版本进行匹配目前,Docker Swarm 没有可以将容器使用的 Windows 版本与具有相同版本的主机进行匹配的内置方法。 如果对服务进行更新,让其使用更新的容器,它将可以成功运行。
If it doesn't, please file a issue. I've set up CI jobs using Docker images for Ubuntu (22.04 and 24.04), Fedora Rawhide and Arch that can help with determining an up-to-date set of dependencies. Note that building from the release tarball requires less dependencies than building from ...
1 mkdir -p /etc/docker 2 vim /etc/docker/daemon.json #网易云 {"registry-mirrors": ["http://hub-mirror.c.163.com"] } #阿里云 { "registry-mirrors": ["https://{自已的编码}.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] } 3 systemctl daemon-reload 4 systemctl restart docker 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ...
kubernetes.io/os operator: In values: - windows - key: windows.alibabacloud.com/deployment-topology operator: In values: - "2.0" containers: - name: logtail # use the below volume configuration since v1.1+. command: - pwsh.exe - -NoLogo - -NonInteractive - -File - entrypoint.ps1 env:...
Leveraging file sharing between the host system and my Docker container. Enabling socket communication between the host and the Docker container. I’ll show you in detail how to overcome these technical challenges and how to implement the concepts with Docker and Windows Server Containers running on...
Use localhost if you use a local Docker registry for testing. If you use Azure Container Registry, then use the login server from your registry's settings. The login server looks like <registry name>.azurecr.io. Replace only the localhost:5000 part of the string, so that the final result...
docker exec -it docker-clickhouse /bin/bash clickhouse-client clickhouse-client --host 地址 --port 端口 --user 用户 --password 密码 clickhouse-client --user default --password bigdata 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 用户配置 users.xml 配置文件默认位于 /etc/clickhouse-server 路径下,ClickHouse 用它来定...
Dockerfile LICENSE MAINTAINERS.md Makefile README.md SECURITY.md config.yaml go.mod go.sum README Code of conduct MIT license Security windows_exporter A Prometheus exporter for Windows machines. Collectors NameDescriptionEnabled by default
# (1) 时间同步服务端容器(可选也可以用外部ntp服务器) : docker run -d --rm --cap-add SYS_TIME -e ALLOW_CIDR= -p 123:123/udp geoffh1977/chrony echo "同步前的时间: $(date -R)" # 方式1.Chrony 客户端配置 apt install -y chrony grep -q "" /etc/chrony/...