1、windows container模式下,pull镜像会失败 no matching manifest for windows/amd64 in the manifest list entries 2、windows container模式下会存在问题,再次切换到linux container模式下,启动会出现问题 out of memory 3、解决memory问题 右击docker状态栏的图标,选择设置(settings),再将advanced下的memory从2048修改...
DockerCli.exe -SwitchDaemon 重新打开一个cmd窗口,然后再次执行docker pull 得相关命令,一切正常 原因分析 Especially on windows machine when you see the above error after a docker update, try the above commands. It appears like the Docker Desktop UI may indicate that you are already using Linux Con...
It begins to pull down the updates but then suddenly stops and produces the above error. This update works fine on my Mac but not on my windows machine. I have tried logging in with both docker desktop and by using docker login but this makes no difference. I am using windows 10 and ...
Description Fresh install of docker 17.06.1-ee-2 on a Windows Server 2016 Standard VM fails to pull images. Additional environment details (AWS, VirtualBox, physical, etc.): VM is hosted on a VMWare ESX host and has the following charact...
Expected behavior docker pull ubuntu Actual behavior while running docker pull, I'm getting the following error. PS C:\Users\nik> .\docker.exe pull ubuntu Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu no matching manifest...
宿主机是一台windows11电脑,在windows的docker desktop中开启了一个docker容器,监听5005端口;测试在windows powershell下和wsl bash下访问127.0.0.1:5005端口,能够正常访问;所以wsl本身的网络配置应该是没有问题。 2 回答757 阅读✓ 已解决 如何在Docker PHP容器中非dockerfile解决event扩展加载失败的问题? 在乌班图的...
解决步骤 1. 安装好docker环境 (自行搜索网上教程)2. 运行docker (自行搜索网上教程)3. 打开docker管理器, 右键选择设置 4. 打开putty进入docker (docker 默认地址: 默认账号: docker 默认密码: tcuser)5. 查看目录是否挂载成功!
Docker won’t pull images . Update: I got it working with pure default Docker configuration (no manual DNS set to, no IP V6 deactivation), by removing Unlocator-related settings from the router (its specific DNS server, and maybe more problematic, static routes that redirected 8.8....