1、nginx高并发原理( 多进程+epoll实现高并发 ) 1. Nginx 在启动后,会有一个 master 进程和多个相互独立的 worker 进程。 2. 每个子进程只有一个线程(协程),采用的 IO多路复用模型epoll,实现高并发。 2、epoll能实现高并发原理 1. epoll() 中内核则维护一个链表,epoll_wait 方法可以获取到链表长度,不为0...
(由于我们必须让工作线程服务多个用户,所以这个必须是非阻塞调用),或者说用户人态定时的 expiration 到了。 所以一般我们绑定这个 Callback 是一个状态机来的,他必须是保留着状态的,这样才能重新注回到 epoll wait 里面(就涉及要打断正在 blocking 的 epoll wait),并且因为保留了状态(比如说用一个 Object)所以回调...
关闭对应链接...,另一点原因就是获取事件的时候,它无须遍历整个被侦听的描述符集,只要遍历那些被内核IO事件异步唤醒而加入Ready队列的描述符集合就行了。...epoll除了提供select/poll那种IO事件的电平触发(Level Triggered)外,还提供了边沿触发(Edge Triggered),这就使得用户空间程序有可能缓存IO状态,减少epoll_wait...
The following script does not work on linux: It's easy to reproduce under docker after doing docker run --rm -it debian:12.5 and install python & poetry from aptmkdir foobar cd foobar poetry init --name foobar --no-interaction poetry add git+http://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-...
Bug Report We are observing io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandTimeoutException: Command timed out after 10 second(s) intermittently while connecting to redis from windows docker.Lettuce is trying to reconnect to redis and for some of the cases...
SRS for Windows会使用Windows传统的安装包形式发布,用户在SRS官网下载 srs5_windows_x86_64_setup.exe 安装包,按照提示安装即可。 SRS 安装过程中,会把SRS放到Windows的环境变量中,用户打开cmd控制台,直接可以调起来SRS。 目前只提供64位版本,请确认你的系统是64位Windows。
Docker is also an option to run a Linux container, under a HyperV VM Running bash on Windows hits in the sweet spot. It behaves like Linux because it executes real Linux binaries. Just hit the Windows Key and type bash. After you're setup, run apt-get update and get a few devel...
I could see the docker from WSL connected to the server on Docker for Linux (netstat showed established connection), but I didn't see any data transfer happening. I couldn't get into the nitty gritty of the traces, but it seems like it was waiting for epoll. So, maybe these issues ...