Windows 平台使用 PowerShell 7.2.5 安装 Docker Desktop on Windows,指定安装路径,比如 install --installation-dir=D:\software\Docker。如果你下载完,双击安装,默认安装路径为C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker。 如果遇到 Start-Process: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '--installation...
-- 指定我们项目中Dockerfile文件的路径--> <dockerDirectory>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources</dockerDirectory> <!--指定远程docker 地址--> <dockerHost></dockerHost> <!-- 这里是复制 jar 包到 docker 容器指定目录配置 --> <resources> <resource> <targetPath>/</target...
步骤1:安装Docker Desktop for Windows 首先,你需要从Docker官网下载并安装Docker Desktop for Windows。访问[Docker官网]( 步骤2:启动Docker Desktop 安装完成后,启动Docker Desktop。通常,安装程序会在桌面或开始菜单创建快捷方式。 步骤3:打开命令行界面 有几种方式可以打开命令行界面: 通过开始菜单搜索cmd或PowerShell...
1docker exec -it mysql bash2root@a42f31094df5:/# 2、在容器内登陆Mysql: 1root@a42f31094df5:/# mysql -uroot -p123456 或 (mysql -uroot -p )2mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command lineinterfacecan be insecure.3Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.4Your...
apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose 配置docker国内源:docker就没辙了,默认源肯定不行,所以 创建文件/etc/docker/daemon.json 写入下面内容并保存 {"registry-mirrors":["","","","...
最近需要用到docker, 因为是第一次接触,就在网上搜索应该怎么安装。但不知道是我电脑的问题还是docker本身安装麻烦,踩了一些坑。现在把这个流程记录下来。 下载安装包 这个没有啥的,就是在docker官网下找到自己系统对应的版本 docker 官网 我的系统版本是Windows,点这个就好了 ...
Install from the command line After downloadingDocker Desktop Installer.exe, run the following command in a terminal to install Docker Desktop: $"Docker Desktop Installer.exe"install If you’re using PowerShell you should run it as: Start-Process'Docker Desktop Installer.exe'-Waitinstall ...
a shell preconfigured for a Docker command-line environment #docker命令行 Oracle VirtualBox #oracle轻量级虚拟机 2、步骤如下 1、运行可执行程序如图,点击next windows701.jpg 2、选择全功能安装 windows702.jpg 备注:为了方便很好的在windows 命令行使用docker一系列的工具,建议全部安装。
Today, as Microsoft and Docker, Inc. we are making the Docker command line interface available on Windows starting with theDocker 1.6 release. As a part of ourpartnership, Microsoft has worked with the Docker community to port the Docker client to Windows, making it easy to manage Docker host...
Today, as Microsoft and Docker, Inc. we are making the Docker command line interface available on Windows starting with theDocker 1.6 release. As a part of ourpartnership, Microsoft has worked with the Docker community to port the Docker client to Windows, making it easy to manage Docker host...