您可以選擇設定轉寄站來解析 DNS 位址資訊,而不是將流量轉送到 DNS 根伺服器。 您可以使用 GUI 或使用Set-DNSServerForwarderPowerShell Cmdlet 來新增轉寄站。 注意 除非您的轉寄站無法回應,否則不會使用 DNS 根目錄提示。 PowerShell GUI 下文說明如何使用Install-WindowsFeature命令來安裝 DNS 伺服器角色。
我們仍有RecursionTimeout(在伺服器層級) 運作,但在此案例中,我們會使用ForwarderTimeout,而不是 ForwardingTimeout。 特別請注意,ForwarderTimeout是以區域為基礎運作,且具有不同的預設值: RecursionTimeout- 功能變數名稱系統 (DNS) 等待遠端伺服器在終止搜尋之前回應遞歸客戶端查詢的時間長度。 它會儲存在 登錄的 ...
本篇文章將探討一些網域名稱系統 (DNS) 相關的 Windows Server 2012 R2 中發生的問題。Hotfix 是可以解決這些問題。此 hotfix 的必要條件。 狀況 假設您有正在執行 Windows Server 2012 R2 的電腦。您可能會遇到下列問題之一︰問題1DNS 伺服器不會嘗試第二個轉寄站,如果第一個轉寄站沒有回應。...
3.On theNew Conditional Forwarderwindow, first, enter the domain’s name that your DNS server should resolve the request for it. Then, enter the IP address of that domain. Next, if you want to store this conditional forwarder in the active directory, check out the relevant checkbox (labelle...
Provide this information. IPv4StartAddress and IPv4Endaddress are required so that your VPN client can acquire valid IP through this range. IPv4DNSForwarder=<IPV4Address,IPV4Address,¦> IPv6DNSForwarder=<IPV6Address,IPV6Address,¦> ; Provide this information as needed according to your...
DNS: 路由转发工具(RouteForwarder):https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bulianglin/demo/main/RouteForwarder/RouteForwarder.zip https://benson88.lanzn.com/b029zd09e 密码:akqy 勾选路由转发 如果需要使用全局模式,路由条目为无 如果中国的IP需要直连不走代理,那就选择china_ip_list.txt ...
How to view old event logs How update Windows server release 1607 to current 1903 or 1809? How/where to install Windows Search service? HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler. HTTP redirect DNS record HTTPS...
如果第一个转发器不响应,则 DNS 服务器将不尝试第二个转发器。 问题2 如果转发器响应 SERVFAIL 错误,然后递归解析程序等待前响应回同一客户端的递归超时期限。 问题3 需要长时间 (约 10 分钟) 加载的大量区域 (40000 到 50000 区域)。这被优化现在加载在几秒内 (大约为 15 秒)。
Kiwi Syslog Server is an affordable syslog messages and SNMP trap receiver solution with the ability to monitor Windows events. Using Log Forwarder for Windows (free tool), you can forward Windows event logs as syslog messages to Kiwi Syslog Server. ...
DNS forwarder send all queries in parallel, process results in order DNS forwarder includes servers with zones in general searches Significantly increased single-stream TCP throughput Bug fixes and minor improvements Fix some timeout issues in port forwarding Fix for swap not being mounted ( docker/...