ZoomedInViewProperty ZoomedOutView ZoomedOutViewProperty 方法 事件 SemanticZoomLocation SemanticZoomViewChangedEventArgs SemanticZoomViewChangedEventHandler SettingsFlyout 滑塊 SnapPointsType SplitButton SplitButtonAutomationPeer SplitButtonClickEventArgs SplitView SplitViewDisplayMode SplitViewPaneClosingEventArgs SplitVie...
Windows Store App 內容部分由 SemanticZoom XAML 標記組成,包含 ”放大 (Zoomed In) ”及 ”縮小 (Zoomed Out) 兩種不同的顯示狀態。Windows Phone 並不支援 Semantic Zoom,這意味著我們必須手動移植 ”放大 (Zoomed In) ”功能到 Windows Phone App 中。以下是 Windows Store App 的 ”放大 (Zoomed In) ”...
public bool IsZoomedInView { get; set; } 属性值 Boolean 如果中心是放大视图,则为 true;否则为 false。 实现 IsZoomedInView 注解 通常不会在 XAML 或应用代码中设置此属性。 当视图设置为 SemanticZoom 控件的 ZoomedInView 或ZoomedOutView 时,将隐式设置 属性。 适用于 产品版本 WinRT Build 10240,...
ZoomedInView ZoomedInViewProperty ZoomedOutView ZoomedOutViewProperty Methods Events SemanticZoomLocation SemanticZoomViewChangedEventArgs SemanticZoomViewChangedEventHandler SettingsFlyout Slider SnapPointsType SplitButton SplitButtonAutomationPeer SplitButtonClickEventArgs SplitView SplitViewDisplayMode SplitViewPaneClos...
public bool IsZoomedInViewActive { get; set; } XAML Kopier <SemanticZoom IsZoomedInViewActive="bool" /> Property Value Boolean true if the ZoomedInView is the active view. false if the ZoomedOutView is the active view. Applies to ProduktVersjoner WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build...
The ZoomedInView and ZoomedOutView should be synchronized, so if a user selects a group in the ZoomedOutView, the details of that group are shown in the ZoomedInView. You can use a CollectionViewSource or add code to synchronize the views. Any controls that you bind to the same ...
depend on your the display and your eyes, so feel free to experiment. You can also click "Custom scaling" and set a custom percentage value between 100% and 500% from here, but Microsoft recommends you choose one of the default options in the list for maximum compatibility...
Figure 3.With the 200% zoom option selected, the session display is scaled on the client machine, bringing text and icons to the same size as seen locally (local display setting is at 200% DPI).With the session zoomed in, ...
As you zoom in and out by using Ctrl+mouse wheel button, or scroll horizontally, the ribbon updates to show the portion of the capture you’re currently viewing.Timing Captures are zoomed all the way out when opened. At this zoom level, PIX might not be able to show all the details, ...
As you zoom in and out by using Ctrl+mouse wheel button, or scroll horizontally, the ribbon updates to show the portion of the capture you’re currently viewing.Timing Captures are zoomed all the way out when opened. At this zoom level, PIX might not be able to show all the details, ...