If the Edition is Windows Home Single Language, it indicates that your computer only supports one display language and therefore you cannot download language packs to change the display language. To change the display language, go to the Microsoft official website and update your system to Window...
To change the display language, go to the Microsoft official website and update your system to Window Pro (paid update), and then download the language pack to change the display language. If your computer supports multiple languages, Click the Windows icon and then Settings icon, select Time...
开机之后点击【开始菜单】-【Control Panel】再点击【Change display language】把【English】改为【中文(简体)】再点击【OK】,再重启一下电脑。开机之后界面就是中文的了~哦耶~--End-- 好了,今天就先到这~
如何把 Windows7 显示语言从英文改为汉语,有时候手欠或者为了装*(当然,有时候,买到的电脑本身预装的就是英文的Widow操作系统),把Widow7显示语言改成了Eglih,结果发现好多单词都不认识,好多软件安装时,默认的语言和系统语言一样,也就是说,新安装的软件的界面和系统
Settings的Region处,点右边的Administrative language settings(管理语言设置),点Change system locale(更改系统区域),选Chinese,然后注销/重启。这样会把活动代码页设置为GBK。 此项设置会影响记事本(以及其它使用ANSI的程序)的默认编码,这个大家都知道。但它还会影响系统级字体的Fallback。当代码页为GBK时,中文会优先使...
12、4点击Add a language下载中文语言包如果已有中文语言包,直接打开语言包即可5选择中文语言包并下载6选择中文语言包点击Set as primary7重启电脑8系统语言修改成功,已显示成中文。13、Change display language = 改变显示语言3上一步,点击了Change display language,出现了如下的Region and Language,且...
Location下拉列表中选择“China”;6 从“Region and Language”的Choose a display language下拉列表中选择“中文简体”;7 然后点击“Region and Language”的Apply,此时会弹出“Change Display language”对话框,选择Log off now;8 此时,再打开计算机-属性,即中文显示;注意事项 windows 7需要安装中文语言包 ...
1 打开Start menu(开始菜单)并单击Control Panel(控制面板)打开它 2 单击Clock, Language, and Region(时钟、语言和区域)下面的Change display language(更改显示语言) 3 切换到Administrative(管理)选项卡。单击Change system locale…(更改系统区域设置)按钮注:若弹出用户账户控制窗口,请允许以继续。
9. Click Install updatesthen the selected language pack will start downloading and installing. (In the screen, you also get how many updates will be installed.) When the update is done, you will see the message as follows: Secondly, change the display language: ...