[服务器响应] 37 4.843750 {MSRPC:9, SMB2:8, TCP:2, IPv4:1} IP 地址 Winspool Winspool:RpcOpenPrinterEx 响应, 状态 = ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME 原因 由于对非群集计算机的后台处理程序代码进行了优化更改,因此可能会出现此问题。 当操作系统加载时,Print Spooler 服务将加载计算机的本地名称以及 DNS 缓...
键:值:HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\<print queue name>PrinterOnLine 数据:0 但是,删除打印队列时,Localspl.dll文件不会删除此值。 因此,添加与旧打印队列同名的打印队列时,新打印机队列将继承已删除打印队列的脱机状态。
Windows Printer Spooler 远程代码执行漏洞 (CVE-2021-1675) Windows打印机相关服务存在逻辑缺陷,可以被用来进行权限提升甚至可以实现远程任意代码执行,微软已于2021年6月8号发布安全补丁,对该缺陷进行修复,请尽快完成系统更新。 漏洞详情 AddPrinterDriverEx函数用来安装本地或者远程的打印机驱动[1]. 函数定义如下: 1 2...
检查Spool 文件夹以查看 ir 是否包含任何旧文件。 打印正常时,打印作业时会删除 Spool 文件夹中的文件。 默认 Spool 文件夹为:%systemroot%\System32\Spool\Printer。 可以通过检查DefaultSpoolDirectory以下注册表子项中的注册表值来验证 Spool 文件夹位置:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\P...
printershortcuts Replies: 0 Forum:Tutorials VirtualizationEnable or Disable Printer Sharing with Windows Sandbox in Windows 11 This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable printer sharing with Windows Sandbox for all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Windows Sandbox provides a lightweight...
源:Microsoft-Windows-PrintSpooler 事件ID:22 说明: 无法升级打印机 PrinterName> 驱动程序 DriverName>< 的打印机<设置。 错误:1801。 打印机的设备设置设置为制造商配置的设备设置。日志名称: 系统 来源:Microsoft-Windows-SpoolerWin32SPL 事件ID:1 说明: 打印后台处理程序无法将从 <ServerName> 下载...
If the following message displays "Printer Spooler is not running." while trying to print or when adding a printer, then make sure that the Spooler service is on. To check the Spooler Service in Windows 7 or Windows 8, follow these steps: ...
Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000002) When you try to start or stop the Print Spooler service, you may receive the following error message: Spooler subsystem app has encountered a problem and needs to close ...
This post tells you how to fix the “another computer is using the printer. the following status is the usage status of that computer” issue in five easy ways. Read More Final Words To sum up, this post has introduced what the Print Spooler is and how to reset it on Windows 10. I...
4. RESTART PRINT SPOOLER SERVICE Print Spooler Service handles print jobs and interactions within the system and printer. If the error is found in the service, you can restart it and try printing again. a. PressWin + Rto launchRun.