1) 先把支持DFU的uboot 刷到板子上,让板子可以二次进入DFU模式。 E:\TI_AM62X\DFU_flash\dfu-util\dfu-util.exe -R -a 0 -D tiboot3.bin E:\TI_AM62X\DFU_flash\dfu-util\dfu-util.exe -R -a 0 -D tispl.bin E:\TI_AM62X\DFU_flash\dfu-util\dfu-util.exe -R -a 1 -D u-...
1) 先把支持DFU的uboot 刷到板子上,让板子可以二次进入DFU模式。 E:\TI_AM62X\DFU_flash\dfu-util\dfu-util.exe -R -a 0 -D tiboot3.bin E:\TI_AM62X\DFU_flash\dfu-util\dfu-util.exe -R -a 0 -D tispl.bin E:\TI_AM62X\DFU_flash\dfu-util\dfu-util.exe -R -a 1 -D u-boot....
电脑再次开启后,再更新DFU驱动,从D:\cxp_workspace\sorftware\STM32CubeProgrammer\Drivers\DFU_Driver这个路径安装驱动,会弹出一个安全框,选择始终允许该软件安装即可。等待更新,最终STM32CubeProgrammer就能识别到USB端口了。 安装成功后: 分享至 投诉或建议 ...
如果Windows 上的 iTunes 无法识别某台 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch,则可能需要重新启动 AMDS。 如何重新启动 AMDS 在连接设备时,你可能会看到以下错误:“无法使用此 [设备],因为 Apple Mobile Device 服务未启动。” 请按照以下步骤重新启动 AMDS: 关闭iTunes,然后断开当前连接的任何 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod。
Windows USB drivers for PlutoSDR and M2k (Windows 32-bit / 64-bit) At the end, you should see a picture like (either for Pluto or M2k): DFU Mode If you don't see the above, and see something like this instead, this means the device is indfu_updatemode. It's likely in this ...
Use DFU. Use control endpoint of the UVC Class device to transfer bytes into the device. To use the second option, it looks like, one needs to write a Filter Driver. Is this correct? Is there any other way to accomplish this task? windows usb driver device-driver Share Improve this ...
2、通过USB数据线链接你的iphone或者ipad,打开WinRa1n越狱工具,如图根据你的设备型号和系统版本选择; PS:如果此处遇到NEXT无法点击的情况,请勾选下方的Fix Driver修复驱动,稍微等待后后可以了。 3、点击NEXT,自行操作手机进入DFU模式,点击start开始; iphone进入DFU模式方法: ...
USB\Class_E0 (for USB based radios) MS_BTHX_BTHMINI (for non-USB radios)Note This won't remove Bluetooth driver support if it has already been installed. Also, this policy needs to be applied to the preinstalled image.How to change the Device ID Profile record published by WindowsThe ...
Install UsbDk_1.0.22_x64.msi, the required USB driver. Open WinRa1n1.1exe or WinRa1n2.1.exe. Connect your iPhone to PC via USB. Select checkra1n version depending on your iDevice. Click on jailbreak directly from Normal/Recovery/DFU modes. Follow the onscreen instruction to jailbreak.Note...