你可以选择桌面背景并随时更改它。 Windows 11Windows 10 选择“开始>设置”>“个性化>背景”。 在“个性化设置背景”旁边的列表中,选择“图片”、“纯色”、“幻灯片放映”或“Windows 聚焦(”,) 查看来自世界各地的新图像。 注意:如果无法选择“Windows 聚焦”选项,则表示管理员可能已禁用该功能,或者你可能尚未获...
可以选择桌面背景或更改“开始”、“任务栏”和其他项的主题色。 随时可以转到“设置”来自定义显示的内容。Windows 11Windows 10选择“开始 > 设置” > “个性化”。 预览窗口使你可以在进行更改时先睹为快。在“个性化背景”中,可以选择图片、纯色或你创建的图片的幻灯片。 或者,可以选择 Windows 聚焦 来每天...
通过Windows 聚光灯展示来自世界各地的美丽图像,或者使用自定义照片或动态幻灯片放映作为锁屏界面背景展示你最喜欢的记忆,提升设备性能。 通过动态更新保持知情和高效,这些更新将天气、财务、体育、交通和应用通知直接引入锁屏界面。 想象一下,通过一目了然地了解预测或提前了解股市变化,为一天做好准备,这一切都无需解锁...
I compiled a list of the default Windows XP desktop background wallpapers. XP was everywhere when I was getting my start on the web. Windows XP & its lovable desktop backgrounds helped shape the designer I am today, much the way the house in which I grew up shaped my personality. Quick ...
Hi there, I am at a total loss, and I am not very technical-minded. I have been working on my Laptop (HP Omen) all day yesterday, and nothing was amiss until I closed Chrome and noticed that my desktop background was just black. My background photo was
Windows 10 offers multiple ways to personalize your PC using a photo of your own choosing. You can use a picture for the desktop background, the lock screen, or the sign-in screen. But one gotcha when you just pick a photo is that the picture you took doesn't match the dimensi...
The desktop background became black then. I tried to find the saved images from my local drive, but nothing was found. Do I still have a chance to get the pictures back? If you know a solution, let me know." Desktop background/wallpaper disappeared or lost in Windows 10/11 To ...
DesktopBackgroundAndColors (référence du Concepteur de configuration Windows) Article 06/02/2024 11 contributeurs Commentaires À ne pas utiliser. Utilisez plutôt les Paramètres de personnalisation. S’applique à Agrandir le tableau Groupes de paramètresClient WindowsSurface HubHoloLensIoT ...
if i click on of the 6 images in windows desktop backgrounds, i'm returned to the themes. so i can't preview the background that i want. i can right click on each one and it will preview on the desktop, but i have to deal with the context menu covering up most of the next ...
这样的操作会压缩文件夹里面的可压缩部分(如果无可压缩部分,这进行了此项操作也没很大效果),用户依旧可以正常访问文件夹中的资源,不过用前会先解压,所以打开会比平常慢 你也可以自行进行该操作,很方便的 在该文件上右键,点属性,点高级,里面有“压缩内容以节约磁盘空间”,打上勾则压缩,去掉勾...