versions of the script if this version is not working in a specific Windows Canary Build. The pause was cause by the university exams and patience of releasing of Windows Canary Build. So the development of this project will have same priority like Melody Script and Edge/OneDrive Uninstaller. ...
In general, we do try to prevent our installers and uninstallers from being flagged by antiviruses, but it's essentially impossible to avoid it entirely. In this case, you're using a fairly old runtime (I think we released sometime around July or August). There's really nothi...
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Github上的新版发布页面:https://github.com/clsid2/mpc-hc/releases 1.Yandex浏览器 理由:俄罗斯...
项目地址:https://github.com/qtkite/defender-control 使用之前先临时关闭 Defender 的实时防护,然后就可以一劳永逸关闭了。?? 要重新开启 defender 也可以用这软件。 其他 一个个介绍篇幅太长了,以下的请自行搜索官网下载哈 Geek Uninstaller - 软件卸载工具 ...
官方网站:https://geekuninstaller.com 6、待办清单 Microsoft To-Do 是微软开发的一款多平台待办清单...
To manually download MSU update files from the Microsoft Update Catalog, you can use theSave-KBFilecmdlet from theKBUpdatemodule (KB Viewer, Saver, Installer and Uninstaller)https://github.com/potatoqualitee/kbupdate Install the module from the PowerShell Gallery: ...
项目地址:https://github.com/qtkite/defender-control 使用之前先临时关闭 Defender 的实时防护,然后就可以一劳永逸关闭了。😊 要重新开启 defender 也可以用这软件。 其他# 一个个介绍篇幅太长了,以下的请自行搜索官网下载哈 Geek Uninstaller - 软件卸载工具 ...
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