当你尝试更改 Windows 防火墙设置时,选项将灰显,并且你无法进行任何更改。 若要修复此问题,请按照下列步骤操作: 单击"开始" 按钮,然后在 "搜索" 框中键入 " Windows 防火墙"。 单击" Windows 防火墙",然后单击 " 允许程序或功能通过 Windows 防火墙"。
徵狀 當您嘗試變更您的 Windows 防火牆設定時,選項會呈現灰色,而且您無法進行任何變更。 若要修正此問題,請遵循下列步驟: 按一下 [開始] 按鈕,然後在搜尋方塊中輸入Windows 防火牆。 按一下 [ Windows 防火牆],然後按一下 [ 允許程式或功能透過 Windows 防火牆]。 按一下 [ 變更設定 ] 按鈕。 如果出現 [ ...
當'磁碟管理'中的'新建簡單卷'變灰時,您無法在電腦上的未分配空間上新建磁碟區。在這裡,您可以修復 Windows 11、10、8、7 硬碟或外接 USB 上的新建磁碟區變灰錯誤,並新建磁碟區。 免費試用 新建簡單卷在硬碟和 USB 上變灰 當您嘗試新建簡單卷時,有時您無法在磁碟管理中選擇“新建簡單卷”選項。您面臨新建...
If you're unable to adjust DST setting and Daylight Saving Time setting is greyed out in your Windows 10, here is how you can fix it.
"Open Microsoft Edge with" is grayed greyed out, cannot change "Sync your settings" options are unavailable - linked account issue? "The Downloaded Maps Manager service hung on starting." "USER" folder - can I delete stuff? "Windows Login Reminder" asking clients to lock and unlock to upd...
Once this command has been processed successfully, reboot your PC and see if the problem is now fixed. If Windows Defender is still greyed out, move to the next method below. 8. Enable Windows Defender via Gpedit.msc If you are an administrator on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC, you...
we are having a problem here that the setting "set time automatically" is grayed out and we need to set it to 2017 to test somethings. I have looked on google and found this question on the technet forum but this didn help https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/af0272b3-...
ClickApply > Okand restart your computer. This will launch your system in the Clean Boot state, check if the Set time zone automatically is still greyed out. If not, then you need to enable processes manually till you stumble upon the culprit. Once you know the culprit, remove it from ...
If “Eco mode” is greyed out, then it’s a parent/group process. You can expand the process tree to apply Eco mode on one of its child processes. And if Microsoft Edge (or Chrome) is showing “Eco mode” as enabled but you did not apply it, this is due to both Microsoft Edge ...
If you have opened theScreen Saver Settings panelto find that thewait timebox is greyed out and you are unable to change the value, this may be due to one of the following reasons: 1. You have not selected a screensaver To be able to set the wait time for a screensaver, you first ...