desktop10:DataShortcuts 指定非可執行快捷方式的清單。 desktop10:EventMessageFiles 定義包含描述事件之語言字串的 1 或多個 DLL 檔案。 desktop10:Extension 宣告應用程式的擴充點(在套件/擴充功能中;desktop10:Extension)。 desktop10:File 定義封裝內的事件記錄檔 DLL。 desktop10:Folder 定義資料夾...
cloudFiles:CustomStateHandler基于云的占位符文件的 Windows Shell 图标覆盖处理程序。 cloudFiles:DesktopIconOverlayHandler声明windows.certificates类型的包扩展点。 应用需要指定证书存储中的一个或多个证书。 cloudFiles:DesktopIconOverlayHandlers包含基于云的占位符文件的 Windows Shell 图标覆盖处理程序。
Default Mail App w/ Group Policy Default to home directory in the command prompt Default USER folder setting in registry DefaultUserName and AutoAdminLogon Entries Disappearing Delete files accidentally from from Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, how to restore Delete temp folder in appdata - Windows 10 ...
The Microsoft Exchange Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) DLL files were added to Adminpak.msi. The additional Staxmem.dll, Smtpapi.dll, Smtpadm.dll, Smtpsnap.hlp, and Nntpsnap.hlp files were added to Adminpak.msi to allow 32-bit Windows XP Profess...
When you use Instant Search in Microsoft Office Outlook, you receive the following message: No matches found. This occurs even if you include search criteria for items that do match items in your mailbox and Windows Desktop Search (WDS) is configured to index the Outlook Data (.pst) f...
Some of the disk space needed for installing updates is only temporarily required. Typically, ten days after installing an update, a disk cleanup will be automatically performed to delete copies of the older, unneeded Windows files and free up space again. ...
If the Outlook mail icon is missing from Control Panel, you can try to open the mlcfg32 file through the Run console or modify Registry to addOutlook.
desktop7:ControlPanelItem desktop7:DefaultIcon desktop7:DesktopApp desktop7:DesktopAppMigration desktop7:ErrorReporting desktop7:Application) 的扩展 (子级 desktop7:扩展 (包) 的子级 desktop7:InfoTip desktop7:LocalizedString desktop7:徽标 desktop7:MailProvider desktop7:ProgId desktop7:RuntimeExceptionHe...
To begin, you must first locate your Outlook data file. 1. On your Windows computer,openControl Panel. 2. Make sure theLargeiconsoption is selected in theView bymenu in the top-right corner. 3. To check your email settings, locate and click theMailoption. ...
Use Mail Files to display a window that helps you organize your mail messages into separate mail files. See"Organizing Your Mail Messages"for more information about mail files. The default item of the File Menu is Load In-Box. Selecting this loads your inbox. ...