command Opens the command interpreter. Internal comp Compares files. External compact Compresses and uncompress files. External control Open Control Panel icons from the MS-DOS prompt. External convert Convert FAT to NTFS. External copy Copy one or more files to an alternate location. Internal ctty...
'Recovery' = "${controlPanelMS}Recovery" 'Region' = "${controlPanelMS}RegionAndLanguage" 'RemoteApp and Desktop Connections' = "${controlPanelMS}RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections" 'Scanners and Cameras' = "${controlPanelMS}ScannersAndCameras" 'Security and Maintenance' = "${controlPanelMS}ActionCen...
I know how to bring up the control panel itself, but have had no luck finding a way to bring up the specific application I need. Thank you in advance! Solomon All replies (5) Friday, April 26, 2013 3:49 PM ✅Answered |1 vote You can put parameters on the ctlpnl.exe command li...
there is a thin line between a command line tool and a command that opens a tool. The former option works well when you need to open a tool on your Windows computer using the Run prompt. For example, if you want to open theNetwork Connectionspanel, you can enterncpa.cplcommand. ...
OpenAdministrative Toolsfrom theControl Panel. Double-clickServices. Find theWindows Updateservice, right-click it, and then selectStop. If prompted, enter your credentials. Delete all files and folders underc:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore. ...
Using the net use command to remove a user profile will delete folders and files associated with that profile, but won't remove the registry key.Resolution: To delete a user profile, use the User Accounts item in Control Panel. To correct an incomplete deletion of a user profile:...
例:reg add "HKCU\ControlPanel\Desktop" /v WaitToKIllAppTimeOut /t REG_SZ /d 10000 /f // 强制添加一条加速关闭应用程序的注册表项 例:reg add "HKCR\*\shell\WinDbg\command" /t REG_SZ /d "\"D:\Program Files (x86)\windbg\windbg.exe\" -z \"%1\" " /f // 强制添加windbg打开dump文...
在系统配置面板的“工具”选项卡中 选择Windows 故障排除工具,注意此时选项卡的“Selected command”部分,我们可以使用选项卡中对应的命令启动工具(在cmd或者Powershell中运行命令即可)。 Windows 故障排除的命令是:C:\Windows\System32\control.exe /name Microsoft.Troubleshooting ...
Opening Control Panel Applets It is also possible to use Run to open the applets that appear in the Control Panel. A full discussion of shortcuts to Control Panel applets is given on this page. For example,entering "main.cpl" launches the mouse properties window. Rundll32.exe There are a...
ClickStart, and then clickControl Panel. If it is not already selected, clickSwitch to Classic View. This option appears on the left side ofControl Panel. Double-clickPhone and Modem Options. ClickModems, and then clickAdd. TheAdd Hardware Wizardstarts. ...