Since Windows containersbecamea stable feature in Kubernetesearlier this year, we’ve seenexcitinggrowth in use of Windows container technology. The fact that most cloud providers now have managed services supporting Windows containers through the Kubernetes API is a reflection of the demand. During c...
Seescheduling Windows containers in Kubernetesfor best practices and recommendations on scheduling Windows containers in Kubernetes. Deploying Kubernetes on Windows in Azure TheWindows containers on Azure Kubernetes Serviceguide makes this easy. If you are looking to deploy and manage all the Kubernetes co...
minikube在macOS,Linux和Windows上实现了本地Kubernetes集群。minikube的主要目标是成为本地Kubernetes应用程序开发的最佳工具,并支持所有适合的Kubernetes功能。 准备 2 CPUs or more 2GB of free memory 20GB of free disk space Internet connection Container or virtual machine manager 1️⃣ Installation 操作系统:...
# Create a namespace and a secret within the'<Password>'username:'\smbuser'kind:Secre...
三, 安装Kubernetes Dashboard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 步骤1 . 查看当前k8s的kubectl 安装是否正确. PS执行: kubectl version 命令 步骤2: 通过yaml文件安装部署镜像. PS执行: kubectl apply -f
有关在 Kubernetes 中调度 Windows 容器的最佳实践和建议,请参阅在 Kubernetes 中调度 Windows 容器。 在Azure 中的 Windows 上部署 Kubernetes Azure Kubernetes 服务指南上的Windows 容器使这一点变得简单。 如果要自行部署和管理所有 Kubernetes 组件,请参阅我们的分步演练使用开源AKS-Engine工具。
Intermediate Administrator Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Define storage solutions for applications, their pros, and cons, then choose the best option for your scenario.Learning objectives By the end of this module, you are able to: Describe storage concepts for Windows containers. Describe storage ...
PowerShell 复制 Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" -o install-docker-ce.ps1 .\install-docker-ce.ps1 有关更多配置详细信息,请参阅 Windows 上的Docker 引擎。后续...
$username="" $images="kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:${DASHDOARD_VERSION}","heapster-grafana-amd64:${GRAFANA_VERSION}","heapster-amd64:${HEAPSTER_VERSION}","heapster-influxdb-amd64:${INFLUXDB_VERSION}" ...
Windows Authentication is a topic that always pops up on customer meetings regarding Windows containers on Amazon Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), since Kubernetes started support it as an Alpha feature on version 1.14 and making it stable at 1.18. In this blog post, I’m going to cover all ...