netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on 6、或者不关闭防火墙将sshd添加入站规则,并开放22号端口 命令:netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=sshd dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=22 还是报以上的错。 7、连接提示Connection reset by [server_ip] port 22的错误 8、查看详细日志:ssh -...
Description wanghaiqing2015 wanghaiqing2015 commentedon Sep 8, 2018 wanghaiqing2015 wanghaiqing2015 changed the titleConnection refused on Windows Server 2012 R2Connection reset by port 22 on Windows Server 2012 R2on Sep 8, 2018
EventStoreLifetimeResetCounter UTC 存留期的事件資料庫重設次數。 EventStoreResetCounter 事件資料庫重設的次數。 EventStoreResetSizeSum 涵蓋此執行個體中所有重設報告的事件資料庫總大小。 EventsUploaded 已上傳的事件數目。 Flags 旗標指示裝置狀態,例如網路狀態、電池狀態及選擇加入狀態。 FullTriggerBufferDropp...
ActiveNetworkConnection 表示裝置是否為使用中的網路裝置。 AppraiserVersion 產生事件的鑑定器檔案版本。 IsBootCritical 指出裝置開機是否重要。 SdbEntries 欄位陣列,指出套用至此裝置的 SDB 項目。 WuDriverCoverage 指出根據 Windows Update 是否有此裝置的驅動程式上層。 WuDriverUpdateId 可用上層驅動程式的 Windows ...
For Local port, choose All Ports. For Remote port, choose All ports.-or-Create a new REG_SZ registry setting named {0DE40C8E-C126-4A27-9371-A27DAB1039F7} in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall\FirewallRules and set it to a value of v2.25...
OpenSSH-Server connection issues Trying to connect your SSH server is failed with the following error: "Connection closed by port 22". Make sure your OpenSSH Server is running: Bash sudo service ssh status and you've followed this tutorial:https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-ope...
WSAECONNRESET (10054) Connection reset by peer. 存在的连接被远程主机强制关闭。通常原因为:远程主机上对等方应用程序突然停止运行,或远程主机重新启动,或远程主机在远程方套接字上使用了 “强制”关闭(参见setsockopt(SO_LINGER))。另外,在一个或多个操作正在进行时,如果连接因“keep-alive”活动检测到一 个失败...
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets. Security: The precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, or another threat.