Situation: The win11 SMB Client cannot connect to an SMB share hosted on the same network with its own fully qualified domain name. I cannot connect to it either via domain name or IP address. As I was typing this, I found that I cannot connect to any SMB share on my netwo...
管理员方式启动命令行窗口 #connectaddress 配置成自己服务器的公网ip即可netshinterfaceportproxyaddv4tov4 listenaddress= connectport=4455 查看端口转发 netshinterfaceportproxy show all 删除端口转发 netshinterfaceportproxy delete v4tov4 listenaddress=
Win10 找不到控制面板的,可以按键盘上的Win+R键,输入control打开控制面板。 在弹出窗口中勾选SMB1.0/CIFS 文件共享支持,子项中的三项全部勾选。 SMB直通同样勾选上,然后点确定。 等待系统自动完成后就可以了,如果提示需要重启系统,可以稍后等端口转发设置完成之后再重启即可。 端口转发 由于公司禁止访问 445 端口,...
windows通过任意端口访问samba 目的:windows访问指定IP的指定端口的smb服务。 1.安装环回测试网卡: 2.设置这张网卡的ip为任意不冲突的值: 3.添加端口转发: netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=445connectaddress=指定IP connectport=指定端口 确保服务里面的 IP Helper是启动的,...
[客户端请求] 34 4.421875 {MSRPC:9, SMB2:8, TCP:2, IPv4:1} IP 地址 IP 地址 Winspool Winspool:RpcOpenPrinterEx 请求, 打印机 = \\printsvr\Microsoft XPS 文档编写器 [服务器响应] 37 4.843750 {MSRPC:9, SMB2:8, TCP:2, IPv4:1} IP 地址 Winspool Winspool:RpcOpenPrinterEx 响应, 状态 = ...
使用背景:勒索病毒导致445端口不安全,故而该端口在服务器端被全面禁用了,如需使用SMB服务需要换个SMB服务端口。 方法1:端口转发 win+x点开管理员权限的终端: 输入如下指令开启端口重定向: bash netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=445 listenaddress= connectport=新端口 connectaddress=服务...
Windows 10 1903 - Cannot connect to SMB share Windows 10 1903 getting black screen when logging off or switching users Windows 10 1909 x64 recently fully updated can print from .pdf but NOT from office or email applications Windows 10 2004 won't detect internet even though wireless internet...
Cannot connect to Windows SMB Server Hello all, I am trying to connect my Mac to a Windows hosted SMB share on my local network. I have 2 separate windows machines on my network, both with static IPs, I am able to connect to one of these shares fine but cannot connect to the other...
Windows 11 SMB Client cannot connect to SMB share - error 53 on `net view` Machine in question: Windows 11 21H2 22000.832 OSes on other devices that can successfully connect to the share: MacOS Ventura built-in SMB; iOS 16.5 built-in SMB; ES File Explorer on iOS, Windows 10; etc....
指定用户可能非Samba用户,smbpasswd -a user添加该用户并指定登录密码 tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME 共享目录有误,可能是目录不存在或者权限不对( 】 如果本地smbclient用户登录成功,便可以进一步实现win7对samba的访问。