1.右键右下角wifi logo,点击(网络与安全设置);看(属性),如果是2.4G,说明需要自己修改适配器设...
1. 首先,右键点击右下角的网络图标,然后选择“打开网络共享中心”。在打开的界面中,找到并选择“更改适配器设置”。2. 接着,从列出的网络连接中,找到并右键点击您的Wi-Fi适配器,然后选择“属性”。3. 在弹出的窗口中,找到并点击左侧的“配置”选项。4. 在打开的配置窗口中,找到并点击“高级...
方法/步骤 1 右键右下角网络图标,选择“打开网络共享中心”2 选择左侧“更改适配器设置”3 在“WLAN”上右键,选择“属性”’4 在弹出的窗口上点击右侧“配置”5 标签栏选择“高级”6 拖动滚动条,可以看到“首选频带”,更改为首选5G频带。如下图所示:7 到这里就完成了,混合模式下电脑会优先选择5G频段~在...
5 弹出网络连接窗口,找到WLAN图标,右键点击WLAN,在弹出的菜单中选择属性 6 在弹出的WLAN属性窗口中,选中Microsoft 网络客户端,然后点击配置按钮 7 在桌面上弹出无线网卡的属性窗口中,点击高级标签页 8 在无线网卡属性窗口中,选中首选频带,然后把值设定为首选5GHz频带,然后点击确定按钮保存。wifi的优先选择5Ghz频...
Windows电脑如何设置WiFi优先选择5Ghz频带?相信很多朋友们也遇到过这种类似的问题,那么对于这类问题如何解决呢?下面就把解决这种问题的方法给大家分享一下,希望可以帮助到大家。 省钱又省心,家用饺子机让您的生活更加美好!查看详情>>广告 材料/工具 电脑 方法 1 首先右键单击右下角的Wi-Fi连接图标,在菜单中选择打开网...
acer brands unable to connect to 5ghz wi-fi after windows 10 update on acer nitro 5 spin (np515-51) laptop seanyk member posts: 5 tinkerer january 1 edited january 3 in nitro gaming ever since i updated my windows 10 on this laptop, the wifi's been really annoying. i can't detect...
Check the “Connect automatically” box if you want your laptop to connect to this network in the future. By following these steps, you’ll have your WiFi network up and running, providing a reliable internet connection for all your wireless devices. ...
I have motherboard MSI MPG B550 GAMING EDGE WIFI where Intel® Wi-Fi 6 AX200 160MHz installed. I have windows 11 and decide to broadcast wi-fi 5GHz for my oculus quest 2, but failed. I can connect to the existing wi-fi network 5GHz without...
1. Although your computer is connected trough LAN connection, in Settings Network & internet, switch Wifi to ON and connect your computer to 5GHz WiFi band (so now, your computer is connected to Internet trough Ethernet and Wifi 5Ghz). 2. Now, try to enable the 5Ghz Mobile hot...