Windows 社区工具包是面向WinUI 2、WinUI 3和Uno Platform开发人员的控件集合。 它可简化和演示使用 .NET 构建 Windows 体验的常见开发人员任务。 Windows 社区工具包以 NuGet 包的形式提供,适用于新的或现有的 C# 项目。 请参阅入门页面以了解所有详细信息。
UWP - WinUI2 WindowsAppSDK - WinUI3 取消平臺 在[方案總管] 面板中,以滑鼠右鍵按一下專案名稱,然後選取 [管理 NuGet 套件]。 針對UWP/WinUI2或Uno.UI型專案,搜尋CommunityToolkit.Uwp,然後從清單中選擇所需的 NuGet 套件。 如需Windows 應用程式 SDK/WinUI3 或 Uno.WinUI型專案,請改為搜尋CommunityToolkit...
Production (WinAppSDK/WinUI 3)rel/winui/7.1.2 Previewsmain 📢 Windows Community Toolkit v8 The toolkit has been migrated to new infrastructure inthis repository. Read the original blog post that explained this here,but see latest information at the top of this file. ...
This control has been deprecated in the Windows Community Toolkit. Please use the MenuBar control from WinUI instead.The Menu Control defines a menu of choices for users to invoke, it is inheriting from ItemsControl. The default ItemsPanel for the menu control is WrapPanel and it only supports...
CommunityToolkit.WinUI CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Connectivity CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Deferred CommunityToolkit.WinUI.DeveloperTools CommunityToolkit.WinUI.DeveloperTools.CommunityToolkit_WinUI_DeveloperTools_XamlTypeInfo CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Helpers CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Helpers BackgroundTaskHelper BaseObjectStorageHelper...
Production (WinAppSDK/WinUI 3) rel/winui/7.1.2 Previews main 📢 Windows Community Toolkit v8 The toolkit has been migrated to new infrastructure in this repository. Read the original blog post that explained this here, but see latest information at the top of this file. 🧪 Windows Comm...
Windows Community Toolkit WinUI 3 Today, we’re releasing an update to the Windows Community Toolkit compatible withWinUI 3 and Project Reunion 0.5for Desktop apps built with .NET 5! The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers, extensions, and custom controls. It simplifies and demon...
WinUI.* for Windows App SDK + WinUI 3 or Uno.WinUI Regardless of the package chosen, as mentioned above, all namespaces have converged on CommunityToolkit.WinUI.* (note the dropping of the additional .UI. in namespace and package names). If you’re using Uno Platform, the same package ...
有的是内嵌形式的,就是在Unity中显示浏览器的相关内容,有的则是会调用电脑本身的浏览器 ...
首先我们先创建一个WinUI(WindowsAppSDK)的项目,然后安装名称为LiteDB的nuget包,如下图。 项目本身没什么特别的,主要是采用CommunityToolkit控件库里的AdaptiveGridView控件结合MVVM进行数据的加载展示。 AdaptiveGridView绑定ViewModel里的属性,属性通过CommunityToolkit提供的增量加载集合IncrementalLoadingCollection进行服务的绑定,...