Windows快捷键官网链接: 常用快捷键 : 按该键 :执行以下操作 Ctrl+X : 剪切选定项。 Ctrl+ C(或 Ctrl +Insert) : 复制选定项。 Ctrl+ V(或Shift+Insert) : 粘贴选定项。 Ctrl+Z :撤消操作。 Alt+Tab : 在打开的应用之间切...
modern Settings app in Windows 10. And if you know how to use a group of commands that begin with ms-settings, you can create shortcuts that take you straight to that page without requiring you to click through categories and subcategories. ...
from: 10的功能得到了增强,使我们的技术生活更加轻松。微软在启动Windows 10时还添加了许多新的键盘快捷键,这些快捷键将帮助您更轻松地访问新增强功能,例如Cortana,Action Center,Task View和Virtual Desktops。最近,它还推出了备忘单,可以进一步提高您的...
As I mentioned in a previous tip, Windows 10 includesa group of little-known shortcuts that begin with the shell: prefix and allow you to jump directly to defined system folders. You can enter shell: commands in the Run dialog box, in the address bar of File Explorer, or in sc...
The list of ms-settings Commands in Windows 10 (Settings Page URI Shortcuts). You can use these commands to directly open any Settings page.
Windows one line commands that make life easier, shortcuts and command line fu. - madhuakula/wincmdfu
To see a list of keyboard shortcuts and touch gestures for Narrator in Windows 11, see Narrator keyboard commands and touch gestures. Magnifier keyboard shortcuts Press this key To do this Windows logo key + Plus sign (+) Turn Magnifier on Windows logo key + Esc Turn Magnifier off Windows...
window10 官方快捷键 Keyboard shortcuts in Windows,官方:“Windows徽标键+Ctrl+Shift+B=将PC从黑屏或黑屏唤醒”通过与AMDRadeon驱动程序工程师的讨论,它不会重新启动图形驱动程序。它似乎确实丢弃了桌面表面缓冲区并从DWM重新创建分配(在运行良好的系统上,桌面变黑了
To see a list of keyboard shortcuts and touch gestures for Narrator in Windows 11, seeNarrator keyboard commands and touch gestures. Magnifier keyboard shortcuts Press this key To do this Windows logo key+ Plus sign (+) Turn Magnifier on ...
Open theRundialog box to type Windows commands. Switch between apps alt+tab Display all active windows. Switch to another window by repeatedly pressing the tab key while holding down thealtkey. Minimize window Windowskey +down arrow Remove the current window from view without closing. You can ...