$ notepad.exe -bash: notepad.exe:commandnot found 如果$PATH 中没有 Win32 路径,互操作将找不到 .exe。 可以通过在 Linux 中运行echo $PATH来进行验证。 应该会在输出中看到 Win32 路径(例如 /mnt/c/Windows)。 如果看不到任何 Windows 路径,则很可能是 Linux shell 覆盖了 PATH。
Don't use a check box as an on/off control or to perform a command; instead, use atoggle switch. Don't use a check box to display other controls, such as a dialog box. Use the indeterminate state to indicate that an option is set for some, but not all, sub-choices. ...
</TextBlock> <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource SubtitleTextBlockStyle}" Margin="0,0,0,0"> Specifically, we define a standard delete command and add it to a variety of command surfaces, all of which share a common icon, label, keyboard accelerator, and description. </TextBlock> </Stack...
Learn about troubleshooting Windows Update, issues related to HTTP/Proxy, and why some features are offered and others aren't.
可以通过多种方式在 Windows 应用程序中共享和管理命令控制体验。 可以在代码隐藏中为标准交互(例如 Click)定义事件处理程序(这可能相当低效,具体取决于 UI 的复杂程度),可以将标准交互的事件侦听器绑定到共享处理程序,还可以将控件的 Command 属性绑定到某个用于描述命令逻辑的 ICommand 实现。
Microsoft Store Apps fail to start Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness event ID 215 error Modern apps are blocked by security software Store App can't start without user profile Store app used by multiple users won't open after update Troubleshoot Apps failing to start using Process...
3当你在新的 Windows 11 电脑上第一次打开应用时,有些应用会在你第一次打开时重新安装。其他应用可能需要你从原始应用提供商处手动重新安装。 4使用 Windows 备份还原到 Windows 11 电脑时,需要你在初始电脑设置期间使用用于 Windows 10 电脑备份的相同 Microsoft 帐户登录。
Try to re-register apps all apps. Perform these steps: 1. Search for Windows PowerShell using Cortana or Windows Search. 2. From results, right click on Windows PowerShell and select Run as administrator. 3. Then type following command and press Enter key: ...
Run the command below in PowerShell. This should print the log of the failed operation. Get-AppPackageLog -ActivityID <uuid> Check the log for the reason of failure and fix it. Updating How do I update without losing any of my apps and data on Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) [!
In Command Prompt, type the command: wmic qfe list brief /format:table, and press Enter. This will list all Windows updates that are installed on your Windows 11 computer. Remember the HotFixID number of the Windows 11 update that you want to uninstall. Type the command: wusa /uninstall ...