To learn more about how Bash <--> Windows interop works, be sure toread and/or watch the accompanying blog and videowhere Ben Hillis takes Seth Juarez on a tour of this amazing new feature’s internal workings! Stay tuned for more Windows 10 command-line coolness in the coming weeks Rich...
commandline就是对应启动的shell,这里powershell.exe表明启动的是PowerShell,当然你也可以换成pwsh,cmd甚至是VS的开发命令行、ssh直接连接远程主机或者虚拟机甚至是我开发的邪性命令行游戏Futa Hand Extender。只要是命令行的程序,这里都可以填入,但是要注意一下json的语法。 这里要在多说一句,这里填入wsl命令就可以启动...
This means that all command line applications will now automatically open in Windows Terminal. This blog post will go into how this setting is enabled, the journey of Windows Terminal along with its fan-favorite features, as well as give a hu......
VSCode 配置 Git bash 为默认终端 1.1 Windows Terminal 配置 Git bash 为默认终端 现在Windows Terminal 有了图形界面,直接选择就好 具体json 文件配置 "defaultProfile": "{c891c3d2-b798-4857-83c0-89bf2ea34021}", "profiles": { "defaults": { ... }, "list": [ { "commandline": "D:\\Environ...
添加Git Bash 打开Windows Terminal,点击菜单,点击设置 这时候会自动打开设置文件settings.json,在profiles的list中添加一项: { "guid":"{5D1F95DF-36E8-56AD-C203-EA75CE06422C}", "name":"Git Bash", "commandline":"E:\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe --login -i", ...
{"guid": "{f323ab3c-9641-4904-a3a6-dc4e4992b6ae}","name": "Git Bash","commandline": "%programfiles%\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe --login", //"startingDirectory": "%userprofile%","hidden":false,"closeOnExit":true,"fontFace": "Fira Code Retina","fontSize": 12,"historySize": 9001,...
在Powershell 或命令提示符下输入wsl或bash 通过启动%windir%\system32\bash.exe ~的配置文件使用第三方终端选项(例如 Cmder,ConEmu 和 Hyper) 在VS Code 中设置 Linux 为默认 shell,方法是按Ctrl + Shift + P,然后输入/选择终端Terminal: Select Default Shell,然后选择WSL Bash。
This means that all command line applications will now automatically open in Windows Terminal. This blog post will go into how this setting is enabled, the journey of Windows Terminal along with its fan-favorite features, as well as give a hu......
shell interfaces like Terminator, Windows Terminal came with all guns blazing. Apart from supporting Command Prompt and PowerShell commands and shells, it also supports Windows Subsystem for Linux or WSL. In other words, you can now use BASH which was usually restricted to Linux OS, until now....
{"command": {"action":"showSuggestions","source":"recentCommands","useCommandline":true}, }, (有关详细信息,请参阅建议文档) 其他资源 其他资源 培训 学习路径 Linux 命令行和 Shell 入门 - Training 在本学习路径中,详细了解 Linux 命令行、shell 和 Bash。