CommandLineArgs 启动应用运行状况分析程序可执行文件时传递的命令行参数。 Enhanced 指示“enhanced”命令行参数的状态。 StartTime 发送此事件的 UTC 日期和时间。Microsoft.Windows.Inventory.General.InventoryMiscellaneousMemorySlotArrayInfoAdd此事件提供关于设备上的活动内存插槽的基本信息。此...
AllowTelemetry 表示'allowtelemetry' 命令列引數的顯示狀態。 CommandLineArgs 啟動應用程式健康情況分析工具可執行檔時傳遞的命令列引數。 Enhanced 表示'enhanced' 命令列引數的顯示狀態。 StartTime 傳送此事件的 UTC 日期和時間。Microsoft.Windows.Inventory.General.InventoryMiscellaneousMemorySlotArrayInfoAdd此事件...
有关详细信息,请参阅Windows 安装程序 Command-Line 选项。 对Windows Autopilot 进行故障排除时要执行的关键活动有哪些? 要执行的关键故障排除活动包括: 查看配置:Microsoft Entra ID和Microsoft Intune还是非Microsoft移动设备管理 (MDM) 服务配置Windows Autopilot 配置要求中指定的配置?
Get build number + patchlevel (e.g. 14392.XXX) from commandline as string Get-Windowsfeature missing??? Get-windowsupdatelog contains lot of errors Get-WindowsUpdateLog searches for SymSrv.dll in x86 Get-WindowsUpdateLog still not working Getting all Windows 10 desktop icons to appear in '...
There is also a command line that you can run to find out your Windows PC’s serial number. Where do I find my HP printer model number? To find your HP printer model number, you need to face the back side of the printer. In most models, they include the model number on the back...
; Command Line to generate request: ; certreq -f -new ws08_ndes_xchg.inf ws08_ndes_xchg.req ; ; -f : force overwrite of existing ; ws08_ndes_sign.req file ; -new : generate new request ; ; Description: This .INF file creates the request for the MSC...
{"command":"expandSelectionToWord"}, Miscellaneous improvements Mark mode key bindings now precede custom key bindings. When in mark mode, you can nowTabandShift+Tabbetween hyperlinks. The setting to adjust the colors of indistinguishable text is now enabled by default. ...
CommandLine String {ID, In, MappingStrings} CurrentDirectory String {ID, In, MappingStrings} ProcessStartupInformation Instance {EmbeddedInstance, ID, In, MappingStrings} ProcessId UInt32 {ID, MappingStrings, Out} Invoke-CimMethodrequires a hash table of key value pairs whereInvoke-WmiMethodonly ...
This scheduled task runs the %windir%\ehome\ehPrivJob.exe /OCURDiscovery command. This command line starts the EhPrivjob.exe program. The EhPrivjob.exe program looks for digital cable tuners that might be attached to the computer. If the program finds a new digital cable tuner, it registers th...
To view the product key information of software installed on another computer or within another operating system, you can use several command line options as outlined on PrduKey's download page. /remoteall for example will enumerate all computers on your local network. Belarc Advisor This tool o...