MyCommand.Name return null value after converting ps1 to exe $PSCommandPath is $null in parameters section and during debugging 32 bit vs 64 bit odbc connection problems 64bit - win32reg_addremoveprograms 90 day inactive user report using PowerShell A "tail -f" equivalent command in Power...
If a trojan is installed on a computer, for example, a hacker may access and control that machine from anywhere on the planet. This program is also used to create trojans for Android devices, and Metasploit may be used to hijack any Android device. 5.Nmap This tool, sometimes known as t...
Equivalent of 'where' in Powershell? Error - The remote server returned an error (403) Forbidden Error '0x80073701' while trying to install Containers Windows feature Error "Unable to connect to the remote server" when executed "Invoke-WebRequest" command Error [1722]:The RPC server is unavai...
/xThe 8.3 equivalent of long filenames /lDisplays forced lower case (similar toto_lower()) /sDisplays matching contents in subdirectories; recursive Quick File/Folder Transversal and Management Commands To work with the file system and perform various operations, you can utilize the commands below...
nmap -p [number-range] [address]Copy The[number-range]is the port number range you want to ping, separated by a hyphen. For example: nmap -p 88-93 google.comCopy Ping a Port Using curl Thecurlcommand is designed to make HTTP/HTTPS requests. However, usecurlto check if a specific po...
Equivalent of 'where' in Powershell? Error - The remote server returned an error (403) Forbidden Error '0x80073701' while trying to install Containers Windows feature Error "Unable to connect to the remote server" when executed "Invoke-WebReque...
Its interface is that of a shell where any command that is supported is translated into a WMI-equivalent for use on a network/remote machine. WMImplant is WMI based. [265星][9d] [JS] pandorafms/pandorafms Pandora FMS is a flexible and highly scalable monitoring system ready for big ...
Its interface is that of a shell where any command that is supported is translated into a WMI-equivalent for use on a network/remote machine. WMImplant is WMI based. [265星][9d] [JS] pandorafms/pandorafms Pandora FMS is a flexible and highly scalable monitoring system ready for big ... Posted byFirewall Engineer Leave a comment Normal installation of Tiny Core Linux will bring you to the default shell login (no GUI). ...
As you can see the idea is the same, -n being the equivalent of -c in Linux’s ping and -w is the timeout, then we send the output to nul and echo only if the ping command was successful (that’s what the && is for)