--no-passive-ftp disable the "passive" transfer mode. --retr-symlinks when recursing, get linked-to files (not dir). --preserve-permissions preserve remote file permissions. Recursive download: -r, --recursive specify recursive download. -l, --level=NUMBER maximum recursion depth (inf or 0...
The Cmd.exe command-shell environment is defined by variables that determine the behavior of the command shell and the operating system. You can define the behavior of the command-shell environment or the entire operating system environment by using two types of environment variables, system and lo...
11. cmd Command Thecmdcommand starts a new instance of the command interpreter. Use the following syntax to run the command: cmd [options] [command] Without additional parameters, thecmdcommand shows the currentcmd.exeprogram version. Usecmdto run commands without affecting the current session. F...
(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\ X_VCPKG_RECURSIVE_DATA={ "VCPKG_ROOT_ENV": "C:\\Code\\vcpkg" } __DOTNET_ADD_64BIT=1 __DOTNET_PREFERRED_BITNESS=64 __VSCMD_PREINIT_PATH=C:\Code\vcpkg\downloads\tools\powershell-core-7.2.16-windows;C:\Windows\system32;C:...
parse-options: make CMDMODE errors more precise Oct 29, 2023 parse.c parse: separate out parsing functions from config.h Sep 30, 2023 parse.h parse: separate out parsing functions from config.h Sep 30, 2023 patch-delta.c patch-delta: handle truncated copy parameters Aug 31, 2018 patch-id...
接下来测试对应 SDK 的例程。运行“dir”指令可以查看当前的目录。 我们使用 cd 指令进入到例程的目录下,然后使用“idf.py build”指令编译例程。 现在可以看到,我们使用 ESP-IDF v5.0 版本的 CMD 终端环境编译 ESP-IoT-Bridge 下的例程已经编译成功。编译完成的日志中会显示当前编译工程生成的固件以及对应固件的下...
若要开始使用该工具,请运行 sqlcmd。如果要针对 Windows Internal Database 运行 SQL 脚本,还必须从同一下载页中下载 SQL Server Native Client。远程SQL 限制和要求WSUS 3.0 SP1 支持与其余 WSUS 3.0 SP1 应用程序在不同计算机上运行数据库软件。配置远程 SQL 安装时有以下要求:...
子模組 Multiverso 可用來啟用DataParallelASGD以進行定型。 如果您不需要 DataParallelASGD 支援,請將環境變數新增CNTK_ENABLE_ASGD,並將其值設定為 false。 例如,在 CMD 提示字元中執行此動作,然後重新開啟 CMD 殼層, () 和 Visual Studio 以挑選變更:
1. {cmd::Cmder as Admin} 2. {cmd::Cmder} Add command line arguments where specified below: Note: Pay attention to the quotes! cmd /s /k ""%ConEmuDir%\..\init.bat" [ADD ARGS HERE]" Command Line Arguments forinit.bat Cmder Shell User Config ...