Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU" | Clear-ItemProperty -Name "*" -Force 现在,您已经成功清除了Windows“运行”对话框历史记录。 这些方法都可以清除Windows“运行”对话框历史记录,而不需要重新启动计算机。
删除之前添加的账号:net user username /del 删除应用程序,系统安全日志:clearev #分别清除了应用程序,系统和安全模块的日志记录。 关闭所有的meterpreter连接:sessions -K 查看事件日志:run event_manager -i 删除事件日志:run event_manager -c 停止日志记录工具 日志进...
This history of command is stored in a per user key in registry database. One can clear this command history by cleaning up the entries under this registry key. This registry key is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU So to cleanup command history we can...
History in "Run" is now cleared. Windows Vista Scenario Though you can also use the above steps to clear the history in "Run" in Windows Vista, however, a better way is available in Windows Vista for you to clear "Run" history while keeping the record of recently opened programs. First...
Why can't I delete the history in "Run" on the Start menu in Windows 7/Windows Vista? Especially for those commands that have not been used for a long time? Simple solutions 123 123 Windows 7 Scenario Please remember that in Wi...
CanCollectClearUserIds 若允許收集清除的使用者識別碼,則為 True; 若只能收集省略的識別碼,則為 False。 CanCollectCoreTelemetry 如果可以收集核心/基本遙測則為 true,否則為 false。 CanCollectHeartbeats 若可以收集活動訊號遙測則為 true,否則為 false。 CanCollectOsTelemetry 若可以收集診斷資料遙測則為 true...
for /f “skip=9 tokens=1,2 delims=:” %i in (‘netsh wlan show profiles’) do@echo%j | findstr -i -v echo | netsh wlan show profiles %j key=clear 1.13 GPP 当分发组策略时,会在域的SYSVOL目录下生成一个gpp配置的xml文件,如果在配置组策略时填入了密码,则其中会存在加密过的账号密码。这...
How to clear Activity History from Windows 10 PC Under section Clear Activity History, you can choose to clear history for your account. To manage & clear all your history, click on the link which says “Manage my Microsoft Account activity data”. This will take you to the Microsoft Privac...
How to clear Activity History. How to check if someone has been using your computer. Enable or Disable Activity History in Windows 11 Whether you are using a local or a Microsoft account as your user account, you can choose whether you would likeWindows to log your activity data or not by...
删除应用程序,系统安全日志:clearev #分别清除了应用程序,系统和安全模块的日志记录。 关闭所有的meterpreter连接:sessions -K 查看事件日志:run event_manager -i 删除事件日志:run event_manager -c 停止日志记录工具 ...