For Windows PC users, you are supposed to know how to completely clean up the hard drives to get rid of junk files.Disk Cleanupshould be the best service to delete all junk files in Windows 10/8/7. As the official document says Disk Cleanup removes temporary files, empties the Recycle B...
具体位置是C:\Program Files (在Windows 7系统中是C:\Program Files (x86))\Windows Installer Clean Up。要访问它,只需找到这个文件夹,双击其中的msicuu.exe文件即可开始使用。在运行过程中,软件会列出安装在你的系统中的CAD版本,如CAD 2008、2009和2010。选中你想要卸载的版本,点击REMOVE按钮,软...
方法1:开始 -> 所有程序 -> 找Windows Install Clean Up。方法2:在系统安装目录Program Files文件夹下找Windows Installer Clean Up,然后运行msicuu.exe 第一个选项是选中全部,第二个选项是放弃选中,第三个 remove 是卸载,第四个是退出。你选中要卸载的软件,然后点击第三个按钮就可以了。点第...
Step 3: Clean Up System Files (Optional) For additional space savings: Click “Clean up system files” Wait for new calculation Review additional options: Previous Windows installations Windows upgrade log files Windows Defender Antivirus Windows update cleanup Select desired items Click OK Step 4: ...
为此,请在“Windows Installer 清理”对话框中的“已安装的产品”列表中选择所需程序。选择后,实用工具只删除与这些程序有关的 Windows Installer 配置信息。 使用方法 1、在c盘Program FilesWindows Installer Clean Up下有个msicuu.exe,双击运行 2、选中你要删除的软件,点remove就可以了 软件截图...
选择后,实用工具只删除与这些程序有关的 Windows Installer 配置信息。 使用说明 1.下载完压缩包后直接双击msicuu.exe。 2.然后在C:Program FilesWindows Installer Clean Up下有个msicuu.exe,运行。 3.选中你要删除的软件,点remove即可。 软件截图
How to clean up C drive in Windows 10 with wizardWhen the Disk Cleanup window is opened, it is very easy to complete the next steps, only several clicks are needed.Steps to run Disk Cleanup in Windows 10 to clean up C drive:1. Click the check-boxes to select the files that you ...
1、开始 -》 所有程序 -》 找Windows Install Clean Up; 2、在系统安装目录Program Files文件夹下找Windows Installer Clean Up,然后运行msicuu.exe; 第一个选项是选中全部; 第二个选项是放弃选中; 第三个remove 是卸载; 第四个是退出; 3、选中要卸载的软件,然后点击Windows Installer Clean UP第三个按钮就可...
1. Clean Manager Freeing Up Disk Space by Cleaning Up Temporary File Using the built-in Windows disk cleanup tools will not solve the issue completely, but is a good starting point for this task. Getting rid of the temporary files scattered in multiple locations can sometimes restore gigabytes...
1.Clean up specified junk files manually PressWindows+Rtogether on the keyboard. Input "cleanmgr" and press Enter, C: drive is selected by default, simply clickOKto continue. The same with wizard above, you need to select the files by yourself and confirm deletion manually. ...