如果遇到上述错误消息之一,请按照这些故障排除步骤解决 Windows Classic.theme 问题。这些故障排除步骤按建议的执行顺序列出。 步骤1:在发生错误之前,将个人计算机还原到最新的还原点,“快照”,或备份映像。 要开始系统还原(Windows XP、Vista、7、8和10):
The gray and blue colors weren’t always the only option for a Windows Classic theme. If you prefer another color scheme, such as Bricks, Marine, Desert, or Rainy Day, you candownload a pack of Windows 8 themesthat imitate the colors of these classic themes. Download the .zip file, ope...
“Sleek, swift, sporty: Every car in this free Windows theme—from vintage racer to modern supercar—is a timeless classic.“Download the Classic Sports Car Theme for WindowsPersonally I will have the McLaren F1RobPS don’t forget all themes work in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows RT and ...
I have ported all 16 themes, including: Bricks Desert Eggplant Liac Maple Marine Plum Pumplkin Rainyday Red blue white Rose Slate Spruce Storm Teal Wheat Some sreens is here: All of them now avaiable for Windows 7. Just extract the zip file you have downloaded to c:\Windows\Resources\Th...
Windows 8 has no Windows Classic theme either, but Windows 8 was released long enough for someone to make a custom, unofficial theme: Windows classic theme for Windows 8 RTM, 8.1, 10 by kizo2703 on DeviantArt In time, someone might make one for Windows 10. My Computer Quote Yaron Posts...
Assembly: PresentationFramework.Classic.dll Creates the theme-specific look for Decorator types, for use with the Classic theme.C# Copy public sealed class ClassicBorderDecorator : System.Windows.Controls.DecoratorInheritance Object DispatcherObject DependencyObject Visual UIElement FrameworkElement Decorator Cl...
Microsoft has removed tens of handy features from Windows 8 operating system. Start menu,Explorer toolbar (command bar), DVD playback, desktop gadgets, Aero glass transparency, Windows classic theme, and advanced appearance settings are some of the features missing from Windows 8 and Windows 8.1....
Windows Server 2008: Install Desktop Experience to Utilize Vista Theme If you are tired of using the Windows Classic theme on your Server 2008, you can install Desktop Experience so that you can enjoy the eye candy goodness of the Vista theme. Desktop Experience will also install Windows Media...
theme: CLR 命名空間的 Microsoft.Windows.Themes xmlns 前置詞。 一般而言,xmlns 前置詞和對應定義於 XAML 根元素中, (未顯示) 。singleChild 單一物件專案子系,表示框線繞著繪製的物件。 這個物件必須是 UIElement。 一般子元素是固定 UIElement 的(,例如 Path) ,或是演示者或組合中的另一個裝飾專案。