In the “Device Parameters” directory, find and double-click the“FlipFlopWheel”entry. Open and change its value data to 1 to invert the mouse scroll direction. Click“OK”and restart your computer to apply the changes. Related: How to Turn Off Mouse Acceleration in Windows 11 and...
您可以在處理滑鼠事件時,或透過使用Cursor(英文) 類別的Position(英文) 屬性,以MouseEventArgs(部分機器翻譯) 的Location(英文) 屬性取得目前的滑鼠位置。 隨後,您可以使用滑鼠位置資訊來執行點擊測試,然後根據滑鼠的位置執行動作。 點擊測試功能內建於 Windows Forms 中的數個控制項,例如ListView(部分機器翻譯)、T...
Reversing the scroll direction used to be simple, but Microsoft has made it more complex. It’s no longer possible to navigate toDevices>Mouse & Trackpadand toggle“Reverse scrolling direction.” If you’re on the latest Windows, reversing the scrolling direction is still possible. We’ve iden...
5. After completing these steps, the pages will scroll in the downwards direction when you scroll up on the touchpad. This is how you change scroll direction Windows 10 using Touchpad. Also Read:Fix Mouse Wheel Not Scrolling Properly
If you are on Windows, see if this helps. Scroll down to either Touchpad scrolling or Mouse scrolling. If you are on macOS, it's called Natural Scrolling. You can change it in System Prefere...
此處理常式會管理 PointerWheelChanged 事件。 我們會將事件新增至事件記錄檔、將指標新增至指標陣列 (如有必要),並顯示指標詳細資訊。C# 複製 /// /// The pointer wheel event handler. /// /// Source of the pointer event. /// Event args for the pointer routed event. private void Target_Po...
ScrollViewer使内容显示在比其实际大小更小的区域中。 当 的内容 ScrollViewer 不完全可见时 ScrollViewer ,将显示滚动条,用户可以使用滚动条移动可见的内容区域。 包含 的所有内容 ScrollViewer 的区域是 范围。 内容的可见区域是视口。物理滚动用于按预设的物理增量(通常按以像素为单位声明的值)滚动内容。 逻辑滚动...
After restarting your computer, you will be able to see the changes in place. The scrolling direction for a particular mouse would be reversed. You can change the value back to its original value or use the registry backup to undo the changes. If you are stuck, try following the steps ag...
HiddenA scrollbar does not appear even when the viewport cannot display all of the content. Scrolling is still enabled, and can occur through touch, keyboard, or mouse wheel interaction. VisibleA scrollbar always appears. (In current UX designs, the scrollbar appears only when the mouse cursor...
The default scroll direction in Windows has been the same for years. But if you've got some muscle memory retained from when you were a Mac user, you might want to change the scrolling direction on Windows to make it more intuitive. So, if you feel your scroll wheel is going the wrong...