名称必要性接受说明 direction 必需 "first"、、"previous""next"、、"last" 滚动的方向。示例声明:JSON 复制 { "command": { "action": "scrollToMark", "direction": "previous" }, "id": "User.ScrollToMark" } 重要 此操作在 v1.21 中已稳定。 在该版本之前,它仅在 Windows 终端预览版中可用清除...
AutoSuggestionBoxTextChangeReason BackClickEventArgs BackClickEventHandler BackgroundSizing BitmapIcon BitmapIconSource Рамка Кнопка CalendarDatePicker CalendarDatePickerDateChangedEventArgs CalendarView CalendarViewDayItem CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventArgs CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventHandler CalendarViewDi...
public bool CanHorizontallyScroll { get; set; } Property Value Boolean true if scrolling is possible; otherwise, false. Remarks Nota This property is not intended to be set in XAML. You can set the panel's Orientation property in XAML and optionally change the ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollB...
To see the parts and states that are specific to the ScrollViewer, see ScrollViewer Styles and Templates.Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the ...
ScrollViewer properties are updated on the UI thread during scrolling. Properties updated as soon as values change. Properties updated when the user lifts their finger or when the user drags, pans or flicks ¼ of the screen, in any direction. ManipulationDelta events raised on UI thread when...
StretchDirection StyleSelector TabControl TabControl 构造函数 字段 属性 方法 TabItem TextBlock TextBox TextChange TextChangedEventArgs TextChangedEventHandler TextSearch ToolBar ToolBarTray ToolTip ToolTipEventArgs ToolTipEventHandler ToolTipService TreeView TreeViewItem UIElementCollection UndoAction 用户控件 验...
ChangeUICues 發生於焦點或鍵盤使用者介面 (UI) 提示變更時。 (繼承來源 Control) Click 發生於按下控制項時。 (繼承來源 Control) ClientSizeChanged 發生於 ClientSize 屬性的值變更時。 (繼承來源 Control) ContextMenuChanged 發生於 ContextMenu 屬性的值變更時。 (繼承來源 Control) ContextMenuStri...
SmallChange 取得或設定當捲動方塊小距離移動時,會加入或從 Value 屬性減少的數值。 TabIndex 取得或設定控制項容器中的控制項定位順序。 (繼承來源 Control) TabStop 取得或設定值,指出使用者是否可使用 TAB 鍵,將焦點 (Focus) 給予 ScrollBar 控制項。 Tag 取得或設定物件,其包含控制項相關資料。 (繼承...
This works when I'm running Windows in Boot Camp. But when I'm in VMWare, the scroll direction is reversed twice — once by Windows and once by macOS — which puts it back to regular scrolling. How can I set this up to have natural scrolling in Windows in both Boot...
ARG_SCROLL_DOWN 当设备旋转时,手势自动调整匹配旋转。 Flick的角度值以从0至65535范围值计量。 可以使用下面的宏从GID_SCROLL手势消息的ullArguments字段来提取出角度、方向和速度。 GID_SCROLL_ANGLE GID_SCROLL_DIRECTION GID_SCROLL_VELOCITY 可以使用下面的宏在角度和弧度间相互转换。