2. Select the file or link type you want to change, then choose your preferred app②. Windows 10 operating system Type and search[Default apps]in the Windows search bar①, and then click[Open]②. Select the default app that you want to change③, and then select your desired app④. If...
If you want to change something, select the file or link type, then choose your preferred app How to configure Microsoft Edge as the default browser From Default apps, under Set defaults for applications, select Microsoft Edge Next to Make Microsoft Edge your default browser, select Set ...
Select an app to see what file types or link types it can open. If you want to change something, select the file or link type, then choose your preferred app How to configure Microsoft Edge as the default browser FromDefault apps, underSet defaults for applications, selectMicrosoft Edge ...
Set defaults for applications Select an app to see what file types or link types it can open. If you want to change something, select the file or link type, then choose your preferred app How to configure Microsoft Edge as the default browser FromDefault apps, underSet defaults for app...
您可以處理 AppWindow.Changed 事件,並檢查事件引數 DidPresenterChange 屬性,以判斷是否應該顯示、隱藏或變更標題列以回應新的視窗呈現。此範例顯示如何處理 Changed 事件,以顯示和隱藏先前範例中的 AppTitleBar 元素。 如果視窗處於精簡重疊模式,標題列會重設為預設系統標題列 (或者您可以提供針對精簡重疊最佳化的自訂...
您可以處理 AppWindow.Changed 事件,並檢查事件引數 DidPresenterChange 屬性,以判斷是否應該顯示、隱藏或變更標題列以回應新的視窗呈現。此範例顯示如何處理 Changed 事件,以顯示和隱藏先前範例中的 AppTitleBar 元素。 如果視窗處於精簡重疊模式,標題列會重設為預設系統標題列 (或者您可以提供針對精簡重疊最佳化的自訂...
PreferredApplicationPackageFamilyName DesiredRemainingView Note that the WinRT APIs used in this topic can be used in both UWP apps, WinUI apps, and other desktop apps. To read more about enabling your desktop app to work with WinRT APIs, seeCall Windows Runtime APIs in desktop apps. ...
PreferredApplicationPackageFamilyName DesiredRemainingView Note that the WinRT APIs used in this topic can be used in both UWP apps, WinUI apps, and other desktop apps. To read more about enabling your desktop app to work with WinRT APIs, seeCall Windows Runtime APIs in desktop apps. ...
Select your preferred reset options Complete Additional Steps: Choose drive cleaning options Select reinstallation method Begin reset process Understanding Reset Options in Detail When you factory reset Windows, you’ll encounter several important options that significantly affect the reset process and outcome...
those points can be either addresses or latitude and longitude coordinates. Use thetrfcparameter to show traffic information. To specify the type of directions: driving, walking, or transit, use themodeparameter. Ifmodeisn't specified, directions will be provided using the user's preferred mode ...