选择Ctrl+Alt+Delete,然后选择“任务管理器”。 在“任务管理器”中,选择“详细信息”。 在“名称”列中,右键单击SearchUI.exe或SearchHost.exe进程,然后选择“结束任务”。 当系统提示你结束SearchUI.exe或SearchHost.exe进程时,请选择“结束进程”。
如果尝试通过获取文件的所有权并添加权限来解决原因 1,则仍可能无法删除该文件,因为用户界面中的 ACL 编辑器由于原因 6而无法访问相应的文件。 在这种情况下,可以将 Subinacl 实用工具与开关(此实用工具包含在资源工具包中)一起使用/onlyfile,以更改对不可访问的文件的所有权...
按兩下 [修改許可權],再次登入 Graph 總管,然後重新執行 DELETE 查詢。 步驟4:刪除 Graph 總管中的配置檔 若要刪除設定檔,請在 Graph 總管中執行下列查詢: HTTP DELETE https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles/<AutopilotProfileID> ...
Cannot find file c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe svchost.exe -k unistacksvcgroup.config Cannot get settings to open Cannot install language option Cannot login with fingerprint to domain account Cannot logon to Windows 10 with domain credentials Cannot mount ISO files (neither via PowerShell nor ...
34 Replies 34 Jump to latest reply Test Screen Name LEGEND , /t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/windows-cannot-find-c-program-files-x86-adobe-acrobat-reader/m-p/9678434#M37663 Feb 27, 2018 Feb 27, 2018 Copy link to clipboard Copied 1. Does the file named in the me...
If you find (usingDIR /Xcommand) that the file or folder name has a trailing space or a dot (.) at the end, use the following syntax (“\\?\“) to delete the item: In the Command Prompt window, type: To delete a folder: ...
If a file is locked and protected, you cannot edit it or delete it. If you wanted to know how to delete the protected files in windows 11/10/8/7, check this article and learn how to remove the protections and delete the files.
You can't delete a file if the file is being used. To resolve this issue, determine the process that has the open handle, and then close that process. Depending on how the file is opened, you may not be able to delete a file that's in use. For example, the file is ...
If you want to permanently delete files from hard disk, you can either empty the Recycle Bin or delete files in Recycle Bin. After this, files cannot be restored to their original location via Recycle Bin. Moreover, if you delete a file using the "Shift + Delete" key combination or if...
How to Force Delete a File Using Del Command How to Force Delete a Folder and all the subfolders inside How to Force Delete the file or folder permanently Delete the file or folder in Windows 11 Safe Mode How to Force Delete a File Using Del Command ...