2. 解决 查看了一些资料,原来Windows下文件或文件夹是“只读”,“存档”,“隐藏”时,都无会出现Permission denied,而恰巧我要编辑的文件是“隐藏”属性。 去掉文件的“隐藏”属性,程序即可正常执行了!
linux下可以给予777全部的可写可执行权限,Windows下还真的不多见这种情况。查看了一些资料,原来Windows下文件或文件夹是“只读”,“存档”,“隐藏”时,都无会出现Permission denied,而恰巧我要编辑的文件是“隐藏”属性。去掉文件的“隐藏”属性,程序即可正常执行了!
1. 文件权限不足 在Linux和macOS等Unix系统中,每个文件和目录都有访问权限,包括读、写和执行权限。如果当前用户没有足够的权限访问某个文件或目录,就会出现Permission denied错误。解决方法是修改文件或目录的权限,可以使用chmod命令修改权限,例如:chmod 755 filename 上面的命令将文件filename的权限修改为rwxr-xr-...
1 在搜索栏输入“regedit”,打开注册表 2 打开HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 3 打开SOFTWARE 4 打开ORACLE,打开KEY_OraDb10g_home1注意,关于KEY_OraDb10g_home1每个人的电脑可能不太一样。只要找到ORACLE_SID就可以了 5 找到ORACLE_SID。图例中是test1 启动服务 1 在搜索栏输入“服务”,打开服务窗口 2 启动ORACLE_SID...
方法/步骤 1 在本地仓库文件夹内右键打开Git Bash。2 在命令行输入ssh-keygen,然后一路回车。3 输入命令cd ~/.ssh,切换到.ssh目录下。4 输入命令vi id_rsa.pub,打开这个刚刚产生的ssh密钥,全选复制密钥。5 登录到自己的github,打开Settings。6 左侧点击SSH and GPG keys,然后右侧点击New SSH key。7 ...
1. win+R运行cmd命令进入命令窗口; 2. cd .ssh 进入该目录,如果提示没有该目录,就运行mkdir .ssh; 3. 进入目录运行如下命令: git config --global user.name "xxxxx" git config --global user.email "xxxxx@xx.com" 4. 接着执行:ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "xxxxx@xx.com" (xxxxx@xx.com是你上边配...
Then we found all .msc file can't be open. Check: As you known, .msc is linked to .dll, .exe and so on. And we run .exe file and it's OK. But .dll must use .msc to open. So we think its problem is on .msc.
pg_ctl: could not open PID file "c:/pgbuildfarm/pgbuildroot/HEAD/pgsql.build/src/test/regress/./tmp_check/data/postmaster.pid": Permission denied This is probably a stupid question, but after commit 0ba06e0, shouldn't pg_ctl.c have fopen defined as pgwin32_fopen by port.h, ...
Fatal: can't open lock file /run/xtables.lock: Permission denied What is the cause? Thank you Likely something has been inserted into one of your startup scripts (.bashrcor similar) which is callingsysctl(8)as an unprivileged user ('you'), and you do not have permission to modifynet....
File Access Deniedin General Support This may not be a new problem but I've lately noticed that some files, created and used several times by me, are now locked, access denied, and I can't delete them. Message: Need an administrator. Well, I am the administrator and have always.....