5.运行boot-repair,通常选择Recommend repair即可,根据提示走即可。 (如果遇到The current session is in Legacy mode. Please reboot the computer, and use this software in an EFI session. This will activate the function. For example, use a live-USB of Boot-Repair-Disk-64bit, after making sure yo...
boot-repair-disk 然后用Win32DiskImager写到u盘,制作启动盘 同样把开机引导中u盘启动调整到第一位(现在是u盘第一位,Ubuntu第二位,Windows第三位)再重启,会停在一个界面 此时按下esc键,等待一会就可以进入boot-repair的启动系统,之后就有上面第四步同样的修复界面,选择recommended repair即可。
Partition Master for Windows Windows Disk Partition Manager Partition Master for Mac Mac Hard Disk Manager WinRescuer Windows Boot Repair Tool Disk Copy Hard drive cloning utility Partition Master Free Partition Master Pro Partition Master Enterprise Edition Comparison Backup & Restore Todo Backup Perso...
接着在第3步中进入文件系统检查环节(Check File System),如果您想立即检查,请单击Check按钮立即开始。如果您想在下次启动时检查,请单击Open Check Disk At Next Boot按钮,选择驱动器和是否修复发现的问题。这一步很重要,因为如果文件系统出现严重问题,会影响其他修复过程,所以需要先解决。预修复的...
Boot Repair是玩酷之家推出的一款用于引导修复Windows系统的软件,Boot Repair支持修复BIOS及UEFI系统引导,自动修复多系统引导,并可手动设置某一系统为主系统,即默认系统! 使用说明 如果你的系统因各种原因出现开机不能引导,引导文件损坏不能进系统,不需要重新系统,先使用本工具进行修复,将系统引导修复工具BootRepair放到带...
Partition Master for Windows Windows Disk Partition Manager Partition Master for Mac Mac Hard Disk Manager WinRescuer Windows Boot Repair Tool Disk Copy Hard drive cloning utility Partition Master Free Partition Master Pro Partition Master Enterprise Edition Comparison Backup & Restore Todo Backup Perso...
Step 6:Finally, type the command "Reagentc /setreimage /path C:\Recovery\WindowsRE" (don't use quotes). This way you can successfully create Windows 10 System Repair Disk or Boot Drive. Conclusion A Windows 10 System Repair Disk or Boot Drive troubleshoots your PC's problems even when...
Steps and instructions to create a backup system image/repair boot disk and recover the system in Windows 10 & 11 Identify Your Device To be sure this content applies to the device you need information on, please enter your serial number or select your product. or Browse Product SubmitHelp ...
It comes with a bunch of useful tools such as backup/restore to virtual disk, postmortem backup/restore, boot corrector to fix MBR/boot.ini/BCD/EFI boot parameters, undelete partition to restore partition that has been accidentally deleted and file transfer. ...
制作Win10启动U盘的意思是制作一个可以用于启动系统的U盘。如果你在系统崩溃前制作好了Windows 10U盘启动盘,那你可以使用它修复系统,或者重置电脑。如果系统无法修复,那你也可以用这个启动U盘来重装系统。 如果你只有CD/DVD,没有U盘,不用担心,你也可以制作Windows 10系统修复光盘,同样可以解决电脑无法启动的问题。