[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters]"DisableAutoConnect"=dword:00000001; 禁用自动连接 调整蓝牙设备的重试间隔: Copy Code [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters]"RetryInterval"=dword:00000006; 设置重试间隔为6秒 启用蓝牙设备的服务优先级: ...
Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar (Wcncsvc)自動🟢 確定停用WCNCSVC 裝載 Windows Connect Now 設定,這是Microsoft無線保護安裝 (WPS) 通訊協定的實作。 Wcncsvc 服務可用來設定存取點 (AP) 或無線裝置的無線 LAN 設定。 服務會視需要以程式設計方式啟動。
WWAN AutoConfig (WwanSvc)手动🟢 确定禁用此服务通过自动配置网络来管理移动宽带(GSM 和 CDMA)数据卡/嵌入式模块适配器和连接。 不建议禁用 WwanSvc,以获得最佳移动宽带设备的用户体验。 Xbox 配件管理服务 (XboxGipSvc)手动🔵 应禁用此服务会管理连接的 Xbox Accessories。
System/DisableOneDriveFileSync CSP 卸除式記憶體: [封鎖 ] 可防止使用者使用外部儲存設備,例如USB磁碟驅動器或SD卡搭配裝置。 當設為 [未設定] (預設) 時,Intune 不會變更或更新此設定。 System/AllowStorageCard CSP 地理位置: [封鎖 ] 會防止用戶在裝置上開啟位置服務。 當設為 [未設定] (預設) 時,In...
How do I connect to FTP over TLS with explicit SSL using Windows 10 File Explorer? How do I default login screen to have Local or domain account password selected? How do i disable the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" setting, as a default setting within Windo...
Find “WLAN AutoConfig” in the list of services, right-click it and select Properties. Press Start & change the startup type to "Automatic". Restart your computer Also, please disable and re-enable WLAN from the BIOS. As the last suggestion (although it seems not suitable base...
i cant get anything to connect to bluetooth... had microsoft chat tell me to post here and see if theres a solution
Windows Server Development Team I was finally able to make Bluetooth audio devices work on Windows 2022. I've installed required drivers and services from Windows 10 donor images. It was hard and time consuming. Don't really understand why Microsoft doesn't want to ...
To disable ADM2, navigate to\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Citrix\HDXMediaStreamand create a key namedDisableADM2(REG_DWORD) and set the value to1. Starting from Citrix Workspace app 2103.1 for Windows: The VP9 video codec is now disabled by default. ...
Select Disable driver signature enforcement by pressing the F7 key. The PC will start with the new values in place. -> On the target system Install the driver The following instructions show you how to install and test the sample driver. The INF file required for installing this driver is ...