Integrate ZelloWork into your Windows app or build a custom radio gateway - zellowork-windows-client-sdk/oem.config at master · zelloptt/zellowork-windows-client-sdk
Open a "command" window by typing "Command prompt" into the search bar next to the Windows Start icon. Then type: - + java -version - + Use the tables above to make sure the version of Java you are running is compatible with the version of JMRI you want to install. If you want...
Controller/Service/Listener.cs index 27f29d9d3..1d70ea773 100644 --- a/shadowsocks-csharp/Controller/Service/Listener.cs +++ b/shadowsocks-csharp/Controller/Service/Listener.cs @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ public void Start(Configuration config) // Start an asynchronous socket to listen for ...
{"error": "角色名不能为空"}, 400 + + start = time.process_time() + if not new: + output = cosyvoice.inference_sft(text,speaker,"无") + else: + output = cosyvoice.inference_sft(text,speaker,speaker) + end = time.process_time() + print("infer time:", end - start) + ...