在Windows Bash环境中遇到“repo: command not found”的错误,通常意味着repo命令没有被安装或者没有被正确添加到系统的PATH环境变量中。以下是一些解决步骤: 确认环境: 确保你正在使用的是Windows下的Bash环境,比如Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)。你可以在开始菜单中找到“Ubuntu”或类似的WSL应用并启动它。 检...
Running which git in Git Bash returned the git.exe location.I was able to run all git commands in Git Bash with no errors. Could set username and email.I then opened an existing R project already under version control in RStudio ("Git" menu was visible).Running which git gave a really...
首先需要在官网上选择需要安装的版本。 官网地址:https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/如选择当前最新版本进行安装: https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2023.07-0-Linux-x86_64.sh 然后下载该安装包。 下载命令 wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2023.07-0-Linux-x86_64.sh 1. 2. ...
$ cat test.sh ls $ bash test.sh test.sh: line 1: $'ls\r': command not found $ zsh te...
To use a theme, copy it from the themes folder to your $Home folder, then add this line to the bottom of the .profile file found in your $Home folder:Bash Copy eval "$(oh-my-posh init bash --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json)" ...
Linux上成功安装anaconda后-bash: conda: command not found 如题,出现这个问题可能是环境变量配置有问题。 省流请看这里:执行cat ~/.bashrc命令查看.bashrc文件内容,若文件中没有export PATH="XXX/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"说明是环境变量未配置,可以继续往下看了;若文件中有此路径,请退出本文,自行校对一下路径。
Bash/Mintty$CMDER_ROOT/config/profile.d/*.sh Git Status Opt-Out To disable Cmder prompt git status globally add the following to~/.gitconfigor locally for a single repo[repo]/.git/configand start a new session. Note: This configuration is not portable ...
While working with OSS projects, there are numerous scenarios where it’s immensely useful to drop into Bash from a PowerShell prompt. Bash support is complementary and strengthens the value of the command-line on Windows, allowing PowerShell and the PowerShell community to leverage other popular...
BashcmdCommand-LineConsoleOpen-SourcePowerShellTerminalWindowsWindows Package ManagerwingetWSL Author Kayla Cinnamon Senior Product Manager Product Manager for Dev Home, Microsoft PowerToys, and Windows Developer Experiences, formerly Windows Terminal and Cascadia Code.12...
bash<(curl-sSfL'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LlamaEdge/LlamaEdge/main/run-llm.sh')--model llama-3-8b-instruct 🐾Warning友情提示, 执行这一步之前请确保网络畅通. 执行结果如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 [+]Downloading the selected model from https://huggingface.co/second-state/Llama-3-8B...