我已经安装了 Anaconda 并将 Path 环境变量设置为C:\Anaconda3; C:\Anaconda3\Scripts。 然后我尝试在 Git Bash 中运行 conda install python 但是出现错误信息“bash: conda: command not found”。我想知道为什么。 为了能够在 gitbash 上运行 conda,你需要将它添加到路径中。很多次我都看到这是默认完成的 -...
1 Conda command not working on macOS 6 Windows Subsystem for Linux - conda: command not found 45 Anaconda and Git Bash in Windows - conda: command not found 11 conda init doesn't work in bash on Windows 5 Conda: Command not found 4 Command 'python' not found inside conda enviro...
报错代码:CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate’. 可能原因:可能因为之前连服务器时设置SSH虚拟环境的原因,也可能base虚拟环境安装的一些包有误或者没有正确conda deactive导致此原因。 解决方法:报错提示已给出需要充值shell的提示,按操作重置即可。需要注意的是...
➜ ~ rsync -r /Users/Apple/index.html root@ bash: rsync: 未找...
在Windows 11下使用Anaconda时,有时会遇到“CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate’”这样的错误。这通常是因为Anaconda的shell配置出现了问题。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作:步骤1:确认Anaconda安装首先,请确保你已经正确安装了Anaconda。可以从开始...
0 Python and Conda not recognized in Ubuntu for Windows, although in PATH 4 Command 'python' not found inside conda environment 2 "conda: command not found", Bash on Windows 0 conda build fails due to work file not found error 0 conda in Git Bash but WSL 2 conda: command not ...
conda -version 1. 显示如下(我电脑配置了zsh,所以会显示zsh): zsh: command not found: conda 1. 显然我们还不能使用conda命令。 1. zsh配置流程 找到.zshrc文件,一般在/Users/{username}/.zshrc,其中{username}是你当前Mac的用户名字哦。 用记事本打开.zshrc文件(你也可以使用vim命令来编辑),在该文件的最...
conda activate new_env 1 错误 CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. To initialize your shell, run $ conda init <SHELL_NAME> Currently supported shells are: - bash - fish - tcsh
Linux上成功安装anaconda后-bash: conda: command not found 如题,出现这个问题可能是环境变量配置有问题。 省流请看这里:执行cat ~/.bashrc命令查看.bashrc文件内容,若文件中没有export PATH="XXX/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"说明是环境变量未配置,可以继续往下看了;若文件中有此路径,请退出本文,自行校对一下路径。
Current Behavior After the update from 4.6.8 to newer versions, when activating the conda environment using Git Bash on Windows I get a "No command 'conda conda'.". Steps to Reproduce - Using a Windows Machine - Install and open Git-Bash...