CloudAssignedOobeConfig数字必需此属性是一个位图,显示配置了哪些 Autopilot 设置。 1:SkipCortanaOptIn 2:OobeUserNotLocalAdmin 4:SkipExpressSettings 8:SkipOemRegistration 16:SkipEula CloudAssignedDomainJoinMethod数字必需此属性指定设备是应加入Microsoft Entra ID还是 Active Directory (Microsoft Entra 混合联接) 。
本指南介绍了以下 Windows Autopilot 方案: 应用场景说明 Windows Autopilot 用户驱动模式部署和配置设备,以便最终用户可以自行设置设备。 Windows Autopilot 自部署模式部署要自动配置为共享使用、作为展台或数字标牌设备的设备。 Windows Autopilot 重置重新部署处于业务就绪状态的设备。
在Windows 中 |Windows 註冊 畫面,在 [Windows Autopilot] 底下,選取 [ 裝置]。 在[Windows Autopilot 裝置 ] 畫面中,選取工具欄中的 [ 同步 ]。 等候同步處理完成。 同步處理可能需要幾分鐘的時間。 同步處理完成且裝置出現在 Intune 中 Windows Autopilot 裝置畫面的裝置列表之後,只要將 Windows Autopilot 配置...
如果計算機需要在 Windows 全新體驗期間重新啟動, (OOBE) 擷取新的 Windows Autopilot 配置檔: 選取Shift-F10 以開啟命令提示字元視窗。 在命令提示字元視窗中,輸入下列兩個命令之一: shutdown.exe /r /t 0立即重新啟動。 shutdown.exe /s /t 0表示立即關閉。
Windows Autopilot is expanding deployment to HoloLens 2 devices. Learn more and join the private preview.
Windows Holographic, version 2004 (build 19041.1103) only supports Windows Autopilot over ethernet connection. Windows Holographic, version 20H2 (build 19041.1128) or later adds support for Windows Autopilot over Wi-Fi, in addition to the use of an ethernet connection.\n\n...
Windows 10, version 1909, all editions Summary This update makes quality improvements to Windows Autopilot configured devices, which is the component that enables organizations to easily provision their devices. Key changes are included for the following ...
You need to create and assign a new user-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join Autopilot profile. You need to create and assign a new Domain Join (Preview) device configuration profile that specifies the domain name, OU, and computer name prefix to use. (These settings are not part of...
Applies ToWindows 10, version 1903, all editions Windows 10, version 1909, all editions Summary This update makes quality improvements to Windows Autopilot configured devices, which is the component that enables organizations to easily provision their dev...
[3108星][4m] [C++] px4/firmware PX4 Autopilot Software [2810星][28d] [C] tmk/tmk_keyboard Atmel AVR 和 Cortex-M键盘固件收集 [2267星][1m] [C] aurorawright/luma3ds Noob-proof (N)3DS "Custom Firmware" [1441星][19d] [C] tianocore/edk2 A modern, feature-rich, cross-platform firmwar...