This example includes the &locale=en-us variable. The locale variable is required, but it can be changed to another supported... 此示例包含&locale=en-us变量。 变量locale是必需的,但可以将其更改为另一个受支持的区域设置。 例如,&locale=es-es。
在某些未注册设备的 Windows Autopilot 部署中,BitLocker 加密可能默认为 128 位,即使管理员由于已知的争用条件配置了 256 位加密也是如此。 正在调查此问题。 Microsoft建议需要 256 位 BitLocker 加密的客户注册 Autopilot 设备。Autopilot 重置后,所需的应用不会显示在注册状态页上 (ESP) ...
Troubleshooting Windows Autopilot overview Troubleshooting Windows Autopilot device import and enrollment Troubleshooting Windows OOBE issues during Windows Autopilot Troubleshooting Microsoft Entra join issues Show 3 more Applies to: Windows 11. Windows 10. This article provides troubleshooting for common...
HiRich_Mawd, There are known issues as well when using hybrid join and Autopilot (which you really shouldn't be using at all anyway). If you are having consistent and reproducible issues during Autopilot provisioning while Entra joining devices and using one...
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I have recently noticed a large number of errors in the Event Viewer, and all of them are marked as “Autopilot.dll WIL error was reported,” which also references “onecoreuap\admin\moderndeployment\autopilot\dll\dllmain.cpp” and error code 0x80070491. I never used anything related to ...
Windows Autopilot streamlines and automates the process of setting up and configuring new devices, with minimal interaction required from the end user. You can also use Windows Autopilot to reset, repurpose, and recover devices.With the release of Windows 10, version 2004 you can configure ...
The Autopilot.dll WIL error results in frequent crashes and reboots on both Windows 10 and 11. This error is caused by a certain event, known as the Autopilot.dll WIL in the Windows Event Viewer. There are quite a few potential causes that might be resulting in the said error. Here are...
Autopilot Manager (APM) needs theAutopilot-Manager-Clientto receive the Autopilot device provisioning information import request and showing the user a processing screen, similar to the Autopilot Pre-Provisioning scenario (former known as WhiteGlove). The app service queues and handles all the processin...