1、Windows+R,输入“services.msc”回车; 2、找到Windows Audio服务,双击该服务; 3、在依存关系选项卡-点开依存系统组件-依次将它们在服务大表中找到并开启,保证这个服务的所有依存组件都运转正常。 4、打开“控制面板”,查看方式选择”小图标“,选择:疑难解答-硬件和声音-硬件和设备,打开后查看并运行一下就可以...
and all updates were reinstalled. the audio service cannot start, using the service.msc application. recent acer audio driver was installed; i tried to update the intel high definition service's driver with installed audio driver, but it didn't go through due to error 1067. any support, ...
RT 昨天还没问题 今天电脑开起来右下角声音钮打叉 声卡驱动没问题,服务开不起来送TA礼物 1楼2019-12-20 21:50回复 贴吧用户_aa1Z46R 初级粉丝 1 我也是 你的问题解决了吗 来自Android客户端2楼2021-07-07 19:58 收起回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":1616036,"subject":"Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage","id":"message:1616036","revisionNum":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:396748"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:WindowsInsiderPr...
Issue with Service Control Manager for error 1067 Issues with DHCP failover Issues with Roaming Profiles Just started getting this error (microsoft-windows-wmi-activity/operational 5858 resultcode 0x80041002) periodically in our event logs. Any idea how to fix? KB2919355 not getting installed on wi...
MediaElement類型的AudioDeviceType屬性。 MediaElement_AudioStreamCount 611 MediaElement類型的AudioStreamCount屬性。 MediaElement_AudioStreamIndex 612 MediaElement類型的AudioStreamIndex屬性。 MediaElement_AutoPlay 613 MediaElement類型的AutoPlay屬性。 MediaElement_Balance 614 MediaElement類型的Balance屬性。 MediaElement_Buffe...
Can we set the default audio volume? Can't create catalog file for Windows 10 Enterprise using latest ADK WSIM Can't find Enable-Bitlocker command to encrypt drive without TPM in deployment. Can't Install .NET Framework 3.5, errors 0x800f0954 and 0x800f081f Can't login after windows 10...
vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder electron ffi-napi nodejs操作c++的dll库 ref-napi c++类型转换 js-audio-recorder 录音插件二、下载SDK...配置sdk路径由于开发模式和打包后的环境, 文件路径会产生差别, 所以需要将打包后的sdk路径进行配置例如将sdk放在根目录的libs文件夹下, 则可以按下面配置: module.exports =...