If you've entered the correct BitLocker recovery key multiple times, and are still unable to continue past the BitLocker recovery screen, follow these steps to break out of the BitLocker recovery screen. Step 1: On the BitLocker recovery screen, press Esc for more BitLocker recovery options. St...
假定您有运行 Windows RT 8.1、 Windows 8.1 或 Windows Server 2012 R2 的计算机上启用 BitLocker 驱动器加密。当 Windows 在启动或关闭过程进入故障自动修复过程时,会提示您提供 BitLocker 恢复密钥来解锁该卷。 解决方案 若要解决此问题,请安装更新汇总 2962409。有关如何获取此更新总成包的详细信息,请单击下面的...
假定您有运行 Windows RT 8.1、 Windows 8.1 或 Windows Server 2012 R2 的计算机上启用 BitLocker 驱动器加密。当 Windows 在启动或关闭过程进入故障自动修复过程时,会提示您提供 BitLocker 恢复密钥来解锁该卷。 解决方案 若要解决此问题,请安装更新汇总 2962409。有关如何获取此更新总成包的详细信息,请...
1. 首先,按提示在浏览器进入网址:aka.ms/recoverykeyfaq 图2 2. 有详细的查找密钥方法:点击图2“登录到你的Microsoft账户”,进入到一下页面(邮箱是系统激活时的邮箱)。 图3 3.使用邮箱账号登录,发送验证码到邮箱。 图4 4.输入邮件收到的代码即可登入成功,可查看48位密钥。在图1所示页面输入48位密钥,即可正...
如果您使用 2024 年 8 月 13 日之前發行的更新,而且有此問題,則在輸入修復密鑰之後,您的裝置應該會從 BitLocker 複原畫面正常啟動。 您可以使用您的Microsoft帳戶登入BitLocker 修復畫面入口網站,以擷取修復密鑰。 這裡列出尋找修復密鑰的詳細步驟:在 Windows 中尋找 BitLocker 修復金鑰。
Laptop is asking for bitlocker recovery key after an update. I was not provided any key from the dealer. Tags: Microsoft Windows 11 Victus by HP Gaming Laptop 15-fa0000 (680A4AV) View All (2) Category: Boot Issue 1 person had the same question I have the same questi...
Expand the device for which you want to find the BitLocker recovery key②, and then click[View Bitlocker Keys]③. Match the Key ID, and then click[Show recovery key]④. The BitLocker recovery key will be displayed as shown on the screen below. ...
I had a problem with Windows 11 Pro that required me to reinstall Windows 11. I made certain that my BitLocker recovery key was available in my MS account. I have been using a bootable usb utility to boot the machine and using DiskGenuius, had…
For more, see Device encryption in Windows. Note: If the device was set up or BitLocker protection was activated by another user, the recovery key may be in that user’s Microsoft account. On a printout: You may have printed your recovery key when BitLocker was activated. Look where you ...
1. 首先,按提示在浏览器进入网址:aka.ms/recoverykeyfaq 图2 2. 有详细的查找密钥方法:点击图2“登录到你的Microsoft账户”,进入到一下页面(邮箱是系统激活时的邮箱)。 图3 3.使用邮箱账号登录,发送验证码到邮箱。 图4 4.输入邮件收到的代码即可登入成功,可查看48位密钥。在图1所示页面输入48位密钥,即可正...