假定您有运行 Windows RT 8.1、 Windows 8.1 或 Windows Server 2012 R2 的计算机上启用 BitLocker 驱动器加密。当 Windows 在启动或关闭过程进入故障自动修复过程时,会提示您提供 BitLocker 恢复密钥来解锁该卷。 解决方案 若要解决此问题,请安装更新汇总 2962409。有关如何...
Windows 8.1 Enterprise Windows 8.1 Windows 8.1 Pro Windows RT 8.1 更多...症状 假定您有运行 Windows RT 8.1、 Windows 8.1 或 Windows Server 2012 R2 的计算机上启用 BitLocker 驱动器加密。当 Windows 在启动或关闭过程进入故障自动修复过程时,会提示您提供 BitLocker 恢复密钥来解锁该卷。
If you've entered the correct BitLocker recovery key multiple times, and are still unable to continue past the BitLocker recovery screen, follow these steps to break out of the BitLocker recovery screen. Step 1: On the BitLocker recovery screen, press Esc for more BitLocker recovery options. St...
1. 首先,按提示在浏览器进入网址:aka.ms/recoverykeyfaq 图2 2. 有详细的查找密钥方法:点击图2“登录到你的Microsoft账户”,进入到一下页面(邮箱是系统激活时的邮箱)。 图3 3.使用邮箱账号登录,发送验证码到邮箱。 图4 4.输入邮件收到的代码即可登入成功,可查看48位密钥。在图1所示页面输入48位密钥,即可正...
If I lose my recovery information, will the data encrypted by BitLocker be unrecoverable? Is it possible to add an additional method of authentication without decrypting the drive if I only have the TPM authentication method enabled? Can the USB flash drive that is used as the startup key als...
在電腦上啟用 BitLocker 時,會明顯影響效能嗎? 一般而言,效能額外負荷很小,通常是以一位數的百分比表示,這相對於它需要操作之儲存體作業的輸送量。 開啟BitLocker 後,初次進行加密大約需要多久的時間? 雖然BitLocker 加密會在使用者繼續使用系統時于背景進行,但加密時間會根據加密的磁片磁碟機類型、磁片磁碟機大小和...
BitLocker won't unlock the protected drive until BitLocker's own volume master key is first released by either the computer's TPM or by a USB flash drive containing the BitLocker startup key for that computer. However, computers without TPMs won't be able to use the system integrity ...
Recovery of systems requires aBitlocker keyin some cases. For Windows Virtual Machines running on Azure follow the mitigation steps inAzure status. Additional details from CrowdStrike are available here:Statement on Windows Sensor Update - CrowdStrike Blog. ...
If I lose my recovery information, will the BitLocker-protected data be unrecoverable? Can the USB flash drive that is used as the startup key also be used to store the recovery key? Can I save the startup key on multiple USB flash drives? Can I save multiple (different) startup keys...
SHA1 Key Migration to SHA256 for a two tier PKI hierarchyHello. Jim here again to take you through the migration steps for moving your two tier PKI hierarchy...Date: 10/26/2015Setting up Data Recovery Agent for BitlockerYou might have already read on TechNet and one of the other Ask...